2024 – 2025
Jul-24 | Jul-24 | |
July 31 | End of Fiscal Year | |
Aug-24 | Aug-24 | |
August 12 | Finance Committee Meeting at Galina’s home | |
August 16 | Board Summer Planning Meeting – 10:30am to 12pm via Zoom | |
Sep-24 | Sep-24 | |
September 1 | CM Applications open | |
September 2 | Labor Day | |
September 8 | SCJBF Meeting at 2:30pm for chairs and presidents online | |
September 24 | General Meeting – at 11am (online) | |
September 29 | SCJBF Complete Works Audition CSLB | |
September 30 | CM Applications close | |
Oct-24 | Oct-24 | |
October 5 | CM applications payment due date | |
October 6 | Fall Festival applications deadline | |
October 12 | SCJBF Complete Works Awards Concert, 2pm at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Long Beach | |
October 14 | Columbus Day | |
October 20, Sunday | Fall Festival at Steinway Hall, 8801 Wilshire Blvd. Ca 90211 | |
October 31 | Halloween | |
Nov-24 | Nov-24 | |
November 3, Sunday | Daylight Savings | |
November 17 | Winterfest applications deadline | |
November 11 | Veterans’ Day | |
November 28, Thursday | Thanksgiving | |
Dec-24 | Dec-24 | |
December 15 | CM Applications edit deadline | |
December 15, Sunday | Winterfest at Cal State Valley College | |
December 25 | Christmas Day | |
Jan-25 | Jan-25 | |
January 12 | Classical Era Competition applications deadline | |
January 14, Sunday | CM Applications editing closes | |
January 15, Monday | Martin Luther King Day | |
January 18 and 19 | CM In Person Evaluations in Claremont | |
January 25 and 26 | CM In Person Evaluations in San Jose | |
Feb-26 | Feb-26 | |
February 2, Sunday | Classical Era Competition at Los Angeles Valley College | |
February 11, Sunday | Super Bowl | |
February 11 | CM Media Submissions deadline | |
February 16, Sunday | Bach Masterclass (at Keyboard Concepts) | |
February 16 | Bach Festival Applications Deadline | |
February 17, Monday | Presidents’ Day | |
Mar-25 | Mar-25 | |
March 1 | Baroque Festival Application deadline | |
March 2, Sunday | Bach Festival at Westside Music Conservatory, 12424 Wilshire Blvd, #100, Los Angeles, Ca 90025 | |
March 9, Sunday | Daylight Savings | |
March 9, Sunday | Baroque Festival at Steinway Hall, 8801 Wilshire Blvd. Ca 90211 | |
March 17 | St. Patrick’s Day | |
Apr-25 | Apr-25 | |
April 1 | Deadline for Scholarship and Awards student applications | |
April (date to be announced) | Board Meeting (selection of Award/Scholarship recipients) | |
April 8 | Hollywood Branch’s 68th Anniversary | |
April 13 | Spring Festival applications deadline | |
April 20 | Easter Sunday | |
May-25 | May-25 | |
May 4, Sunday | Spring Festival at LA Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave. Valley Glen, Ca 91401 | |
May 4 | Achievement Awards Recital applications deadline | |
May 11, Sunday | Mother’s Day | |
May 26, Monday | Memorial Day | |
Jun-25 | Jun-25 | |
June 1 | Achievement Awards Recital at LA Valley College | |
June 8, Sunday | Annual Potluck lunch and Meeting | |
June 15, Sunday | Fathers’ day | |
Jul-25 | Jul-25 | |
July 4 – July 7 | MTAC State Convention at the Santa Clara Hyatt Regency | |
July 4 | Independence Day | |
July 31, Sunday | End of Fiscal Year | |
July 31 | Membership Dues deadline | |
Aug-25 | Aug-25 | |
date to be decided | Finance Committee Audit/Budget Meeting | |
date to be decided | Summer Board Planning Meeting | |
2023 – 2024
Jul-23 | Jul-23 | |
July 7 | Finance Committee Meeting via Zoom | |
July 31 | End of Fiscal Year | |
Aug-23 | Aug-23 | |
August 16 | Board Summer Planning Meeting – 9:45am to 12pm at Svetlana’s | |
Sep-23 | Sep-23 | |
September | Labor Day | |
September 22 | General Meeting – at 10:30am (online) | |
Oct-23 | Oct-23 | |
October 1 | Bach Complete Works Audition, Cal State Long Beach | |
October 1 | CM Registration open | |
October 1, Sunday | Fall Festival applications deadline | |
October 14, Saturday | Bach Complete Works Awards Concert, 2pm at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Long Beach | |
October 9, Monday | Columbus Day | |
October 15, Sunday | Fall Festival at Steinway Hall, 8801 Wilshire Blvd. Ca 90211 | |
October 31, Monday | CM Registration closes | |
October 31 | Halloween | |
Nov-23 | Nov-23 | |
November 1 | VOCE online applications opens | |
November 5 | CM Applications due date | |
November 10 | Winterfest applications deadline | |
November 5, Sunday | Daylight Savings | |
November 11 | Veterans’ Day | |
November 23, Thursday | Thanksgiving | |
Dec-23 | Dec-23 | |
December 1, Thursday | VOCE online applications closed | |
December 10, Sunday | Winterfest at Steinway hall | |
December 15 | General Meeting – Online (Dr. Jaqueline Petitto on “Musicians’ Wellness” | |
December 25 | Christmas Day | |
Jan-24 | Jan-24 | |
January 10 | Sonata Sonatina Competition applications deadline | |
January 14, Sunday | CM Applications editing closes | |
January 15, Monday | Martin Luther King Day | |
January 21, Sunday | SCJBF Master Classes at LMU | |
January 23 | Board Meeting at 10am (online) | |
Feb-24 | Feb-24 | |
February 4, Sunday | Sonata Sonatina Competition at Los Angeles Valley College | |
February 11, Sunday | Super Bowl | |
February 18, Sunday | Bach Masterclass with Carl Matthes at his home studio | |
February 18 | Bach/Baroque Festival Applications Deadline | |
February 19, Monday | Presidents’ Day | |
Mar-24 | Mar-24 | |
March 3, Sunday | Bach Festival at Westside Music Conservatory, 12424 Wilshire Blvd, #100, Los Angeles, Ca 90025 | |
March 10, Sunday | Baroque Festival at Steinway Hall | |
March 10, Sunday | Daylight Savings | |
March 17 | St. Patrick’s Day | |
March 31, Sunday | Easter Sunday | |
Apr-24 | Apr-24 | |
April 1 | Deadline for Awards and Scholarship applications | |
April 5 | Board Meeting (selection of Award/Scholarship recipients) at 11am (online) | |
April 8 | Hollywood Branch’s 67th Anniversary | |
April 14 | Spring Festival applications deadline | |
April 16, Tuesday | General Meeting online at 10:30am | |
May-24 | May-24 | |
May 5, Sunday | Spring Festival at LA Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave. Valley Glen, Ca 91401 | |
May 5, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital applications deadline | |
May 12, Sunday | Mothers’ Day | |
May 19, Sunday | SCJBF Regionals at Westside Music Conservatory, Santa Monica | |
May 27, Monday | Memorial Day | |
Jun-24 | Jun-24 | |
June 2 | Achievement Awards Recital – venue to be announced | |
June 9, Sunday | Annual Meeting and Pot-Luck Lunch at the home of Jeesung Kang at 1pm | |
June 16, Sunday | Fathers’ day | |
Jul-24 | Jul-24 | |
June 28 – July 1 | MTAC State Convention at the LA Airport Hilton | |
July 4 | Independence Day | |
July 31, Sunday | End of Fiscal Year | |
Aug-24 | Aug-24 | |
date to be decided | Finance Committee Audit/Budget Meeting | |
date to be decided | Summer Board Planning Meeting | |
2022 – 2023
Jul-22 | Jul-22 | |
July 31, Friday | End of Fiscal Year | |
Aug-22 | Aug-22 | |
August 2, Tuesday | Finance Committee Audit Meeting – at Lieschen’s studio | |
August 8, Friday | Board Summer Planning Meeting – 9:45am to 12pm at Lieschen’s studio | |
Sep-22 | Sep-22 | |
September 5, Monday | Labor Day | |
September 23, Friday | General Meeting – Program Information Meeting at 10:30am (online) | |
September 25, Sunday | Bach Complete Works Audition, Cal State Long Beach | |
Oct-22 | Oct-22 | |
October 1, Saturday | CM Registration open | |
October 2, Sunday | Fall Festival applications deadline | |
October 8, Saturday | Bach Complete Works Awards Concert, 2pm at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Long Beach | |
October 10, Monday | Columbus Day | |
October 12, Wednesday | Fall Festival Video submissions deadline | |
October 23, Sunday | Fall Festival at Steinway Hall, 8801 Wilshire Blvd. Ca 90211 | |
October 31, Monday | CM Registration closes | |
October 31, Monday | Halloween | |
Nov-22 | Nov-22 | |
November 1, Tuesday | VOCE online applications opens | |
November 5, Saturday | CM Applications due date | |
November 6, Sunday | Winterfest applications deadline | |
November 6, Sunday | Daylight Savings | |
November 11, Friday | Veterans’ Day | |
November 4, Friday | Board Meeting at 9:30am via Zoom | |
November 18, Friday | General Meeting at 10:30am (online) Presentation: “How to run a Successful Studio” by Noreen Wenjen | |
November 24, Thursday | Thanksgiving | |
Dec-22 | Dec-22 | |
December 1, Thursday | VOCE online applications closed | |
December 2, Friday | Branch Holiday Luncheon at 12 noon at Messhall Kitchen in Los Feliz | |
December 4, Sunday | Winterfest at Cammilleri Hall, USC Campus, 3620 McClintock Ave, LA CA 90089 | |
December 25, Sunday | Christmas Day | |
Jan-23 | Jan-23 | |
January 11, Wednesday | Sonata Sonatina Competition applications deadline | |
January 15, Sunday | CM Applications editing closes | |
January 16, Monday | Martin Luther King Day | |
January 18, Wednesday | Board Meeting at 10am (online) | |
January 22, Sunday | SCJBF Master Class with Inna Faliks at 10am (piano), at 1pm with Joan Kwuon (strings) at LMU | |
Feb-23 | Feb-23 | |
February 3, Friday | General Meeting at 10:30am (online) We will present a branch teachers’ discussion on how to prepare your student for entry into a music school. Plus a presentation by a representative of the Global Musical Arts Competition. | |
February 5, Sunday | Sonata Sonatina Competition at Cammilleri Hall, USC Campus, 3620 McClintock Ave, LA CA 90089 | |
February 12, Sunday | Super Bowl | |
February 19, Sunday | Deadline for Bach Master Class video submissions/applications | |
February 17, Friday | Standing Rules/Bylaws Committee Meeting at 10:30am (online) | |
February 19, Sunday | Bach Master Class – optional second video submission | |
February 20, Monday | Presidents’ Day | |
February 26, Sunday | Bach/Baroque Festival Applications Deadline | |
February 27, Monday | Board Meeting at 10am (online) | |
February 28, Tuesday | CM Media Submissions Deadline | |
Mar-23 | Mar-23 | |
March 12, Sunday | Bach Master Class (online) at 3pm with Dr. Elvin Rodriguez | |
March 12, Sunday | Daylight Savings | |
March 17, Friday | St. Patrick’s Day | |
March 19, Sunday | Bach/Baroque Festival at Westside Music Conservatory, 12424 Wilshire Blvd, #100, Los Angeles, Ca 90025 | |
March 31, Friday | General Meeting at 10:30am (online) Speakers Dr Andrew Banks on The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, and Dr. Svetlana Transky and Nick Pietropaolo on set of a Live Online Music Appreciation Lectures. | |
Apr-23 | Apr-23 | |
April 1, Saturday | Deadline for Awards and Scholarship applications | |
April 8, Saturday | Hollywood Branch’s 67th Anniversary | |
April 9, Sunday | Spring Festival applications deadline | |
April 9, Sunday | Easter Sunday | |
April 18, Wednesday | Board Meeting (selection of Award/Scholarship recipients) at 10:30am (online) | |
May-23 | May-23 | |
May 7, Sunday | Spring Festival at LA Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave. Valley Glen, Ca 91401 | |
May 7, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital applications deadline | |
May 14, Sunday | Mothers’ Day | |
May 21, Sunday | SCJBF Regionals at Westside Music Conservatory, Santa Monica | |
May 29, Monday | Memorial Day | |
Jun-23 | Jun-23 | |
June 4, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital at LA Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave. Valley Glen, Ca 91401 | |
June 9, Friday | Annual Meeting and Pot-Luck Lunch and Introduction of New Board at 11am at Lieschen’s Studio | |
June 18, Sunday | Fathers’ day | |
Jul-23 | Jul-23 | |
June 30 – July 4 | MTAC State Convention in Santa Clara | |
July 4, Tuesday | Independence Day | |
July 31, Sunday | End of Fiscal Year | |
Aug-23 | Aug-23 | |
date to be decided | Finance Committee Audit/Budget Meeting | |
date to be decided | Summer Board Planning Meeting | |
Jul-21 | Jul-21 |
July 21, Wednesday | Finance Committee Audit Meeting – at Lieschen’s studio |
July 31, Friday | End of Fiscal Year |
Aug-21 | Aug-21 |
August 18, Wednesday | Finance Committee Budget Meeting – online |
August 23, Monday | Board Summer Planning Meeting – 11am to 1pm at Lieschen’s home |
Sep-21 | Sep-21 |
September 6, Monday | Labor Day |
September 27, Monday | Board Meeting online at 10:30am |
September 29, Wednesday | Chairs Meeting (10am) Branch Meeting (11am) with a Concert by Giorgi and Anna Latso at Lieschen’s home
4745 Cromwell Ave, LA 90027 |
OCTOBER 2021 | OCTOBER 2021 |
October 1, Friday | CM Registration open |
October 11, Monday | Fall Festival applications deadline |
October 11, Monday | Columbus Day |
October 25, Monday | Board meeting at 10:30am (online) |
October 31, Sunday | CM Registration closes |
October 31, Sunday | Halloween |
October 31, Sunday | Fall Recital |
Nov-21 | Nov-21 |
November 1, Monday | VOCE online applications open |
November 2, Tuesday | Bylaws/Standing Rules Committee Meeting at 10:30am (online) |
November 7, Sunday | Daylight Savings |
November 11, Thursday | Veterans’ Day |
November 14, Sunday | Winterfest applications deadline |
November 22, Monday | Board Meeting at 10:30am |
November 25, Thursday | Thanksgiving |
Dec-21 | Dec-21 |
December 1, Wednesday | VOCE online applications closed |
December 3, Friday | General Branch Meeting at 10am (online) CM question and answer Session plus a presentation by Film Composer Jiwon Jay Jeon ( https://www.jiwonjayjeon.com ) on “Daily Life of a Music Composer” |
December 12, Sunday | Winterfest |
Jan-22 | Jan-22 |
January 14, Friday | Sonata Sonatina Competition applications deadline |
January 17, Monday | Martin Luther King Day |
January 30, Sunday | Sonata Sonatina Video and music score PDF submissions deadline |
January 31, Monday | General Branch Meeting at 10am, with open discussion starting at 9:30am – online via Zoom. Presentation on the Royal Conservatory of Music examinations and learning resources – presented by Dr. Stephen Pierce
Board Meeting at 11am |
Feb-22 | Feb-22 |
February 6, Sunday | Sonata Sonatina Competition |
February 13, Sunday | Super Bowl |
February 13, Sunday | Deadline for Bach Master Class video submissions/applications |
February 14, Monday | Valentine’s Day |
February 18, Friday | Standing Rules/Bylaws Committee Meeting at 10:30am |
February 21, Monday | Presidents’ Day |
February 25, Friday | Board Meeting at 10:30am |
Mar-22 | Mar-22 |
March 3, Thursday | Deadline: optional second video submission for Bach Master Class presentation |
March 8, Tuesday | Certificate of Merit deadline for online submissions |
March 13, Sunday | Bach/Baroque Festival Applications Deadline |
March 13, Sunday | Daylight Savings |
March 13, Sunday | Bach Master Class |
March 17, Thursday | St. Patrick’s Day |
March 30, Wednesday | General Branch Meeting at 10am
A Select Panel discussion on “What do we Focus on in Teaching Technical Skills?” Teachers will be given an opportunity to share and ask questions. Time will also be allotted for teachers to recommend their student/s for a Branch Award or Scholarship. See the Scholarship and Awards menu on this website for application information. Board Meeting at 11am |
Apr-22 | Apr-22 |
April 1, Friday | Deadline for Awards and Scholarship applications |
April 3, Sunday | Spring Festival applications deadline |
April 8, Friday | Hollywood Branch’s 66th Anniversary |
April 10, Sunday | Bach/Baroque Festival |
April 17, Sunday | Easter Sunday |
April 25, Monday | Board Meeting (selection of Award/Scholarship recipients) at 10:30am |
May-22 | May-22 |
May 1, Sunday | Spring Festival |
May 8, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital applications deadline |
May 8, Sunday | Mothers’ Day |
May 15, Sunday | SCJBF Regionals at Westside Music Conservatory, Santa Monica |
May 23, Monday | Board Meeting at 10:30am |
May 30, Monday | Memorial Day |
Jun-22 | Jun-22 |
June 5, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital |
June 10, Friday | Annual Meeting and Pot-Luck Lunch at 11am |
June 19, Sunday | Fathers’ day |
Jul-22 | Jul-22 |
July 1 – 5, Friday thru Tuesday | MTAC State Convention |
July 4, Monday | Independence Day |
July 28, Thursday | Finance Committee Audit meeting |
July 31, Sunday | End of Fiscal Year |
Aug 22 | Aug 22 |
date to be decided | Finance Committee Budget Meeting |
date to be decided | Summer Board Planning Meeting |
JULY 2020 | JULY 2020 |
July 22, Wednesday | Finance Committee Audit Meeting – online |
July 27, Monday | Board Planning Meeting #1 – online |
July 31, Friday | End of Fiscal Year |
AUGUST 2020 | AUGUST 2020 |
August 5, Wednesday | Branch Meeting – online – Discussion of technical issues for online teaching & performances |
August 9, Sunday | Virtual Recital #3 |
August 17, Monday | Finance Committee Budget Meeting – online |
August 21, Friday | Board Planning Meeting #2 – online at 10:30 am |
September 2, Wednesday | Chairs Meeting – online at 10:30 am |
September 7, Monday | Labor Day |
September 25, Friday | Board Meeting – online at 10:30 am |
September 25, Friday | Fall Festival applications deadline |
OCTOBER 2020 | OCTOBER 2020 |
October 4, Sunday | Fall Festival Video submissions deadline |
October 12, Monday | Columbus Day |
October 18, Sunday | Fall Recital – virtual with pre-recorded performances |
October 22, Thursday | Branch Meeting — online at 10 am (Program: Bastien Sisters Workshop) |
October 30, Friday | Board meeting – – online at 10:30 am |
October 31, Saturday | Halloween |
November 1, Sunday | Daylight Savings |
November 1, Sunday | VOCE applications open on teachers’ portal – new.mtac.org |
November 3, Wednesday | Election Day |
November 6, Friday | Winterfest applications deadline |
November 11, Wednesday | Veterans’ Day |
November 11, Wednesday | Branch Meeting – online at 10 am (Program: Walter Ponce will talk about his acclaimed Book “The Tyranny of Tradition in Piano Teaching”) |
November 22, Sunday | Winterfest video submissions deadline |
November 26, Thursday | Thanksgiving |
December 1, Tuesday | VOCE applications close on teachers’ portal on new.mtac.org |
December 2, Wednesday | Board Meeting – online at 10:30 am |
December 4, Friday | VOCE Proof of Age Documentation Deadline |
December 6, Sunday | Winterfest (virtual with pre-recorded performance videos) |
December 10, Thursday | VOCE Payment Due |
December 15, Tuesday | Deadline for Bach Master Class video submissions/applications |
December 31, Thursday | Sonata Sonatina Competition applications deadline |
JANUARY 2021 | JANUARY 2021 |
January 7, Thursday | Deadline: optional second video submission for Bach Master Class presentation |
January 14, Thursday | Board Meeting (select a nominating committee) – online at 10:30 am |
January 17, Sunday | Sonata Sonatina Competition Video submissions deadline |
January 17, Sunday | Bach Master Class (online) presented by YungHae Kim |
January 20, Wednesday | Martin Luther King Day |
January 27, Wednesday | Teacher Performances – video submission deadline (for presentation at February General Meeting) |
January 31, Sunday | Sonata Sonatina Competition (virtual with pre-recorded performance videos) |
February 3, Wednesday | Branch Meeting – online at 10:30 am (Program – teacher video performances) |
February 7, Sunday | Super Bowl |
February 7, Sunday | Deadline for VOCE video submissions |
February 14, Sunday | Valentine’s Day |
February 15, Monday | Presidents’ Day |
February 19, Friday | Standing Rules/Bylaws Committee Meeting – online at 10:30 am |
February 21, Sunday | VOCE Competition |
MARCH 2021 | MARCH 2021 |
March 1, Friday | Board Meeting – 10:30 am online |
March 5, Friday | VOCE State Finals Application Deadline |
March 9, Tuesday | VOCE State Finals Payment and Video Upload Deadline |
March 10, Wednesday | Branch CM Info Meeting – 11am online |
March 11, Thursday | Applications deadline for Bach/Baroque Festival |
March 14, Sunday | Daylight Savings |
March 17, Wednesday | St. Patrick’s Day |
March 19, Friday | VOCE State Finals Video submissions deadline |
March 22nd | Online Certificate of Merit Evaluations –
deadline for video uploads (repertoire, SR and Technique) and the completion of Theory Tests |
March 28, Sunday | Bach Festival and Baroque Festival video submissions deadline |
March 28, Sunday | Passover/Palm Sunday |
March 31, Wednesday | Branch Meeting (Awards and Scholarship presentations) – 10:30 am online |
APRIL 2021 | APRIL 2021 |
April 1, Thursday | Deadline for Awards and Scholarship applications |
April 4, Sunday | Easter |
April 7, Wednesday | VOCE State Finals Results posted online |
April 8, Thursday | Hollywood Branch will be 65 years old |
April 9, Friday | Spring Festival applications deadline |
April 10, Saturday | Branch Anniversary Celebration (postponed to June 11, 2021) |
April 11, Sunday | Bach/Baroque Festival (online) |
April 16, Friday | Board Meeting (selection of Award/Scholarship recipients) – 10:30 am online |
April 18, 2021 | Spring Festival Video Upload deadline |
MAY 2021 | MAY 2021 |
May 2, Sunday | Spring Festival (virtual) |
May 6, Thursday | Achievement Awards Recital applications deadline |
May 9, Sunday | Mothers’ Day |
May 23, Sunday | Bach Regionals (online) |
May 26, Wednesday | Board Meeting – 10:30 am online |
May 31, Monday | Memorial Day |
JUNE 2021 | JUNE 2021 |
June 6, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital (live with video presentation option)
Salle Scarlatti, Riko Method School of Piano, 3363 Glendale Blvd, LA 90039 |
June 11, Friday | Annual Meeting, Induction of New Board, Program on Jazz presented by Yuko Maruyama, Pot-Luck Lunch and Branch History Display
10:30 am at Lieschen’s studio |
June 20, Sunday | Fathers’ day |
JULY 2021 | JULY 2021 |
July 2 – 6, Friday thru Tuesday | MTAC State Convention Virtual |
July 4, Sunday | VOCE Winners Recital at MTAC State Convention |
July 4, Sunday | Independence Day |
July 21, Wednesday | Finance Committee Audit meeting – 10:30 am at Lieschen’s studio |
July 30, Friday | Finance Committee Budget Meeting – 10:30 am at Lieschen’s studio |
July 31, Saturday | End of Fiscal Year |
2019 – 2020
August 2019 | |
August 16, Friday |
Summer Board Meeting at 10am at Lieschen’ Studio 4745 Cromwell Ave, LA 90027 |
September 2019
September 2, Monday | Labor Day |
September 18, Wednesday | Program Chairs meeting at 10 am Hasmik Kotelyan’s Studio,
916 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506 |
September 18, Wednesday | Mandatory CM Information Meeting (choose one) at 11am
at Hasmik Kotelyan’s Studio, 916 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506 |
September 20, Friday | Application deadline for Fall Festival (Chair Grigor Akopyan) |
September 22, Sunday | Mandatory CM Information Meeting (choose one) at 2pm Hasmik Kotelyan’s Studio, 916 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506 |
October 2019
October 1, Tuesday | Certificate of Merit online enrollment Opens (www.new.mtac.org) Enter student repertoire online and apply for convention consideration |
October 6, Sunday | SCJBF Complete Works Audition from 8:30am to 5pm
California State University, Long Beach |
October 10, Thursday | General Meeting at 10am at Lieschen’s Studio
4745 Cromwell Ave LA 90027 |
October 14, Monday | Columbus Day |
October 19, Saturday | SCJBF Complete Works Awards Concert at 2pm
Covenant Presbyterian Church, 607 E. 3rd Street, Long Beach 90802 |
October 20, Sunday | Fall Recital at Santa Monica Blvd Fenton Charter School
1022 N. Van Ness Ave. LA 90038 |
October 25, Friday | Board Meeting at 10am at Lieschen’s Studio
4745 Cromwell Ave LA 90027 |
October 31, Wednesday | Certificate of Merit online enrollment closes |
November 2019
November 5 | CM Parents payment due date (www.new.mtac.org) |
November 3, Sunday | Daylight savings ends |
November 11, Monday | Veterans’ Day |
November 15, Friday | Applications Deadline for Winterfest Competition |
November 20, Wednesday | Board Meeting at 10am at Lieschen’s Studio
4745 Cromwell Ave LA 90027 |
November 28, Thursday | Thanksgiving |
December 2019
December 1, 2019, Sunday | Southern California Bach Festival online enrollment opens (www.scjbf.org) |
December 15, 2019 | Winterfest Competition
at Cammilleri Hall, USC, 3620 McClintock Ave., LA 90089 |
December 19, Thursday | Applications deadline for Sonata/Sonatina Competition |
December 25, Wednesday | Christmas Day |
January 2020
January 2, Thursday | CM Online opens for special requests (accompanists and carpools) |
January 15, Wednesday | CM online repertoire entries and placement special requests Closes |
January 17, Friday | General Meeting at Hasmik’s Burbank Studio – 916 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506
10am Presentation by Dr. Alan Oettinger: “Preparing students for the CM Theory Exam” |
January 19, Sunday | SCJBF Piano and Strings Masterclass –
with William Wellborn and Ken Aiso; 12 noon to 5pm Loyola Marymount University, 1 University Drive, LA 91741 |
January 19, Sunday
Sonata/Sonatina Competition at LA Valley College Music Building, 5800 Fulton Ave. Van Nuys, 91401 |
February 2020
February 12, Wednesday | Lincoln’s Birthday |
February 17, Monday | President’s Day |
February 20, Thursday
refreshments will be served
General/Board Meeting at 10am
Riko Method School of Piano, 3363 Glendale Blvd.,LA 90039. Performance and Discussion by YAG member, Noah Simon Learn about the pathway leading to the prestigious Young Artist Guild through the CM program |
March 2020
March 5, Thursday | Applications deadline for Bach Festival thru www.scjbf.org
Application deadline for Baroque Festival thru www.mtachollywood.org |
March 8, Sunday | Daylight Savings Time Begins |
March 21, Saturday | Branch Certificate of Merit Evaluations at UCLA,
Schoenberg Music Bldg., 445 Charles E Young Dr. E, LA 90095 Cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
April 2020
April 1, Wednesday | Applications Deadline for Scholarships and Awards |
April 1, Wednesday | General Meeting at 10 am at Lieschen’s Studio
(CM result packages made available; Teachers will present their students to be considered for an Award or Scholarship) a light lunch around 11:30am 4745 Cromwell Ave LA 90027 Cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
April 1, Wednesday at 11am | “Hollywood Branch Morning of Sharing” video conference
for all branch members – please join us online |
April 3, Friday | Applications deadline for Spring Festival
Cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
April 5, Sunday | Bach Festival and Baroque Festival
at Pierre’s Fine Pianos, 11039 W. Pico Blvd., LA 90064 Cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
April 6, Monday | Online Branch Board Meeting at 11am |
April 8, Wednesday | 64th Anniversary of our Hollywood Branch |
April 10, Friday | Good Friday |
April 12, Sunday | Easter Sunday |
April 17, Friday | Board Meeting at 10am at Lieschen’s Studio
(Selection of Scholarship and Awards recipients) 4745 Cromwell Ave LA 90027 Rescheduled due to Coronavirus outbreak Meeting conducted via online video conference on April 6 |
April 24, Friday | “Morning of Sharing” video conference
for all branch members – please join us online at 11am |
April 26, Sunday | Bach Masterclass – with Carl Matthes at 2pm
Riko Method School of Piano, 3363 Glendale Blvd.,LA 90039. Cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
May 2020
May 3, Sunday | Spring Festival at
Santa Monica Blvd Fenton Charter School 1022 N. Van Ness Ave. LA 90038 cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
May 3, Sunday | SCJBF All-Branch Winds/Voice Regional Festival starting at 1pm
Citrus College, 1000 West Foothill Bl., Glendora 91741 cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
May 7, Thursday | Applications Deadline for Achievement Awards Recital
Cancelled |
May 7, Thursday | Online Board Meeting at 10:30 am via Zoom
May 8, Friday | Online General Meeting focusing on CM at 11am
via Zoom |
May 10, Sunday | Mothers’ day |
May 15, Friday | Deadline for “Early Bird Registration” discount for MTAC 2019 Convention
Cancelled. Convention will be online at no cost to teachers |
May 17, Sunday | Bach Regional
at Pierre’s Fine Pianos, 11039 W. Pico Blvd., LA 90064 cancelled due to Coronavirus |
May 25, Monday | Memorial Day |
May 29, Friday | Online General Meeting focusing on CM at 11am
via Zoom |
June 2020
June 3, Wednesday | Hollywood Branch Annual Meeting (General Meeting)
Speaker/Performance plus Potluck Lunch at 10am at Lieschen’s Studio 4745 Cromwell Ave LA 90027 postponed to possibly sometime during the summer date will be announced |
Thursday, June 4th thru 14th | CM Virtual Evaluations
Upload performance Videos and repertoire PDF |
June 7, Sunday | Achievement Awards Recital at LA Valley College
Music Building, 5800 Fulton Ave. Van Nuys, 91401 cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak |
June 15, Monday | Online Board Meeting at 11 am |
June 21, Sunday | Fathers’ Day |
June 28, Sunday | Virtual Recital Series at 3pm |
July 2020
July 3 – 7 | MTAC Convention at Hilton, Los Angeles Airport
to be conducted online |
July 10, Friday | Finance Committee Meeting |
July 12, Sunday | Virtual Recital Series |
July 15, Wednesday | deadline for submitting CM online theory exam |
July 31, Wednesday | Last day to join or renew MTAC membership to participate in
Certificate of Merit 2021 (www.mtac.org) |
July 31, Wednesday | End of Financial Year. |
August 2020
August 9, Sunday | Virtual Recital with focus on Jazz and African American music |
August 17, Monday |
Summer Board Meeting at 10am at Lieschen’s Studio 4745 Cromwell Ave, LA Ca 900027 |