
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2024

Application Deadline: Sunday, May 5, 2024

Venue: Keyboard Concepts – Faust Harrison Pianos

Address: 5539 Van Nuys Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91401

Mail check, made out to MTAC Hollywood Branch, postmarked by the application deadline to:

Galina Berezovsky (Treasurer), 2749 Selby Ave. Los Angeles, Ca 90064


Teacher’s Fee:  $10

Solo Performer’s Fee: 

$30 Flat Fee per student

Duet fees: Same fee as a single solo performance plus $1 additional per student


To perform in this recital, students are required to have performed in a defined number of Hollywood branch events covering different historical musical eras.

Pianists are required to perform a total of four pieces during the academic year, each representing a different musical era (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic and Contemporary).

String students are required to perform 3 pieces throughout the academic year, one of which must be a Concerto or Variations written for a string instrument.

  • One or two of these pieces must be performed at the Achievement Awards Recital and the remaining pieces must be performed at recitals/competitions of the Hollywood Branch throughout the year leading up to the Achievement Awards Recital.
  • Only ONE movement from a sonata or sonatina may be chosen for performance as part of the requirements.
  • Repertoire must consist of original compositions – simplified versions are discouraged. Refer to the Certificate of Merit Syllabus for acceptable arrangements. Repeats, other than first and second endings, are discouraged.
  • Students are expected to perform from memory and it is customary for students to bow before and after their performance.
  • Trophies are presented to all participants in recognition of their achievements.
  • Please note that the Hollywood Branch may use images of the participants on our branch website. Your attendance signifies acceptance of these postings.
  • Participating teachers will be asked to contribute to help with the program (either at the event or in advance planning).

Dress code guidelines:

A dress or elegant pants outfit for females and long dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes (no sports shoes) for males.

Application process:

Complete the Student Application form below and send one check made out to MTAC Hollywood Branch – mail to Chair postmarked by the deadline (no individual parents’ checks are accepted).

A completed and signed consent form for each student is required. Note that the Hollywood Branch may use images of the participants on our Branch Facebook page as well as our Branch Website.  Participation, along with the consent form, signifies acceptance of these postings.



Please contact the branch website coordinator, Lieschen Bierstedt (