General Meeting Minutes

General Meeting Minutes

MTAC Hollywood Branch 


General Meeting 

Annual Potluck Brunch 

Sunday, June 9th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. 

Residence of JeeSung Kang 

527 S. Lucerne Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90020 

(213) 591-1888 



The meeting was called to order at 2:45 pm


Attendees: Dr. Svetlana Transky, Colleen Carney, Jeesung Kang, Grigor Akopyan, Galina Berezovsky, Virginia Whitehead, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Tae Im Chung.


Welcome – Dr. Svetlana Transky, President

  • Thank you to JeeSung for offering her home and hospitality to the branch annual potluck meeting
  • April 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented
  • Treasurer’s Report (presented by Galina Berezovsky)
    • As of June 9, 2024:
      • Branch Checking Account: $8,298.17 (since Galina submitted checks to the bank, balance stands at $9,650.17)
      • CM Checking: $3,976.74
      • Savings Account: $21,676.70
      • CD Account: $39,667.74


MTAC – Festivals, Programs

  • Achievement Award Recital (June 2)
    • Branch spent a total of $977.61, and therefore profited $374.39
      • Svetlana comments on the success of this year’s Awards (proud teachers and parents, warm atmosphere, free rental of the hall, beautiful trophies)
    • Los Angeles Valley College now costs $138/hour (with a 4-hour minimum)
      • Svetlana suggests that branch continue renting the hall at least for the Winter Fest (and maybe competitions)
    • 42 total student participants


  • Teacher Participation (or lack thereof)
    • Less teachers are participating in branch events compared to previous years
      • Svetlana confirms there are 35 active members in the Hollywood Branch (though many members do not participate in the events)
    • Svetlana asks the board for suggestions on how to increase the number of participating teachers in branch events
      • Svetlana suggests making recitals exclusive to teachers whose students have been participating in certain events (Virginia asserts this will be too difficult and will result in backlash)
      • Given the high balance of the Hollywood Branch treasury, Virginia states that there’s no need to worry about dwindling participation, and that it’s more important to spend the money on the students (ie recital instruments) – Virginia also questions the reasoning behind the $10 application fee for teachers
      • Grigor reminds the board that less people are interested in music these days and aren’t as willing to invest in high quality instruments
      • Someone suggests increasing the amount of monetary prizes at competitions (perhaps up to five) and doing away with the application fee for teachers
        • Svetlana predicts this will hurt the branch financially (though many board members disagree)


  • New Board Members
    • JeeSung is stepping down as Vice President for the board – Svetlana calls for candidates to fill her position
    • JeeSung’s departure will decrease number of board members to eight (there must be a total of nine)
  • Membership
    • Payment Deadline is July 31st
  • MTAC 2024 State Convention (June 28 – July 1)
    • Svetlana is going to MTAC Convention
      • Should there be a treasurer’s meeting, Galina suggests that Svetlana attend in her place
    • Convention sponsorship (starting at $250)
      • Branch logo will be on display at convention via sponsor poster and screens in main ballroom prior to recitals and events, in addition to the MTAC website and social media channels, email communications to members pre/post-convention, and CMT sponsor list
      • Grigor reminds the board that the Hollywood Branch has regularly sponsored the convention in the past
      • Significance of sponsoring the convention – Certificate of Merit; opportunity to enter MTAC solo competition and convention panel recitals (which are well attended)
      • Svetlana suggests holding off on sponsoring this year’s event since the branch isn’t involved in the convention (board agrees)


  • Electronic Payment
    • Branch must move to PayPal for online event registration
      • Lieschen, Svetlana, and Deborah Howe to work together on implementation
      • Virginia emphasizes importance of maintaining simplicity in the application process


The meeting adjourned at 3:22 pm

Minutes submitted by Colleen Carney



General Branch Meeting (Zoom)

April 16, 2024


The meeting was called to order at 10:45am

Attendees: Dr. Svetlana Transky, Lieschen Bierstedt, Galina Berezovsky, Virginia Whitehead, Remi Lee, Cynthia Harlan, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Tae Im Chung

Welcome – Dr. Svetlana Transky, President

  • December 15, 2023 General Meeting Minutes were approved as presented
  • Financial Report
    • As of December 15, 2023:
      • Branch Checking Account: $8,561.43 (just a small decrease since the beginning of the year; room to splurge on Spring Festival venue)
      • CM Checking: $2,976.74
    • Svetlana reminds branch members that 50% of the money allocated for Spring Festival goes to the student plaques and scholarships. Excellent Festival participation so far which will boost branch Checking account.

MTAC – Festivals, Programs

  • Spring Festival (update from Galina)
    • Date: Sunday, May 5, 2024
    • Location: Los Angeles Valley College
    • 3 Programs (~15 students per program)
    • Registration:
      • Galina had received 37 applications as of April 15 (45 applications total according to Jotform)
      • Svetlana suggests closing registration now
      • Many teachers haven’t received confirmation from registration site
    • Galina requests help with Festival announcements
    • ~90 programs to be printed (Galina confirms she does not need assistance re formatting, etc.)
    • Svetlana suggests flowers and certificates be given out after each individual performance to save time and lessen traffic in the Hall
      • Galina thinks it will save time to wait until the end of the entire program to present flowers and certificates
    • Venue Considerations:
      • Keyboard Concepts (open from 12-5pm)
        • Room seats approx. 60 people
        • Concerti performances possible via the store’s upright piano
        • Lieschen suggests planning ahead and spacing out performances to avoid heavy traffic
        • Svetlana offers to ask Director to unlock venue 30 minutes early to accommodate teachers who requested a morning performance time
          • Virginia suggests asking these teachers if their students can perform during the afternoon instead (Galina mentions there is at least one student who might not be able to make the switch.)
        • Parking: 20 spots available on-site (along with street parking)
        • Instrument: Yamaha Piano (large baby grand)
        • Less costly than LAVC
      • Los Angeles Valley College
        • Designated venue on both application form and MTAC website
        • Instrument: Concert Steinway Grand
        • Svetlana has until 10 days prior to the event to cancel reservation
        • Multiple board members suggest continuing with Los Angeles Valley College to avoid confusion
      • Board decides to move forward with Los Angeles Valley College (Keyboard Concepts to be considered for next year’s Festival)
        • Svetlana to ask Los Angeles Valley College about accommodating 11:30am program (in addition to afternoon program)
      • Cynthia Harlan suggests adding “No Preference” option for am vs. pm field in future event registration forms
      • Repertoire rules:
        • Festival is non-competitive (to accommodate non-Classical and/or beginner level participants)
        • Repeats not allowed
        • Transcriptions: only allowed if done by the composer (no arrangements allowed to maintain quality)
  • Achievement Award Recital
    • Date: Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
    • Location: TBA
    • In need of Chair (Cynthia rejects offer due to scheduling conflicts)
    • Registration deadline: May 5th
    • Andrew Clemmons Scholarship recipients: Henry Moogalian, Amelia Pietropaolo
  • Membership Update
    • Membership Secretary: Grigor Akopyan
    • Membership portal to open May 1st
    • Dues must be sent prior to July 31st ($178 for active members / $91 for students and seniors 70+)
  • MTAC Convention 2024:
    • Date: June 28th – July 1st, 2024
    • Early Bird registration (as announced in newsletter): May 31st
      • Deadline to book a hotel at MTAC rate is June 13th ($179/night + $60/day parking fee)
    • Alan notes that Convention ends Monday night (it has gone through Tuesday in previous years)
    • Delegates, voting protocol, full schedule TBA
    • Svetlana is not required to attend specific events obo the Branch
      • Asks Galina to join her at CM events (should they occur)

Annual Branch Meeting (June 9th, 2024)

  • Hosted by Jee Sung Kang at her residence
  • Svetlana to distribute Google Form for attendees to share their planned Potluck item
  • No formal agenda (outside of brief introductory meeting)

The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Colleen Carney





General Branch Meeting (Zoom)

December 15, 2023


The meeting was called to order at 10:10am

Attendees: Dr. Svetlana Transky, Colleen Carney, Lieschen Bierstedt, Galina Berezovsky, Virginia Whitehead, Marina Lomtatidze, Gloria Choi, Lidia Telunts, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Remi Lee, Cindy Harlan, Grigor Akopyan, and Victoria Roizen

Welcome – Dr. Svetlana Transky, President

  • September 22, 2023 General Meeting Minutes were approved as presented
  • Financial Report
    • As of December 15, 2023:
      • Branch Checking Account: $8,261.51
      • CM Checking: $3,976.74
      • Savings Account: $21,674.53
      • CD Account: $39,312.49 (to change in February)
    • Winterfest fees (update from Galina Berezovsky):
      • Total: $2,380
        • Rent: $938
        • 2 Judges: $1000 ($500 per judge)
        • Miscellaneous Fees (Programs + Food for Judges + Prizes)

MTAC – Festivals, Programs

  • Bach Masterclass
    • Date: February 18th, 2024 (3pm)
    • Host: Carl Matthes – confirmed
      • Fee: $400
    • Venue: Carl Matthes’ residence
    • Reception? Virginia believes it’s best to focus on the students and their performances and avoid the reception altogether.
    • ~ 4 performers + 4 teachers + 4 parents (~ 15-20 attendees)
    • Lieschen: Do we need to audition participants?
      • Virginia: Best to wait to see how many students apply before auditioning
  • Guest Speaker: Jacqueline Petitto (Pianist)
    • Topic: Musicians Wellness: Injury Prevention and Self Care


  • Bach Festival (Svetlana reads letter from Deborah Howe)
    • New web portal for 2024 that will allow teachers to register their students and enter repertoire. The portal will also provide parents a means to submit payment for registration fees at the branch, regional, and complete works edition level
    • In 2025, all branches will be asked to follow best business practice and accept electronic payment
    • Svetlana to complete Jotform on behalf of the Hollywood branch pertaining to preferred method of Festival payments (Checks) by December 17th
      • Lieschen suggests hiring technician to assist with transition to electronic payment


  • Winterfest (update from Aroutioun Mikaelian, Festival Chair)
    • 19 Participating Teachers + 73 Students (34 Winners)
    • Total fees: $2900 / student application fees were $2400 (~$500 loss)
    • Excessive Printing Fees:
      • Aroutioun requests only $120 be sent to him due to errors
      • Lieschen Bierstedt suggests printing from home (which Aroutioun says can take many hours)
    • Teacher Complaints:
      • Poor organization
      • Some students weren’t adjudicated fairly (often, those who scored well didn’t necessarily win)
        • Instructions provided to the judges were not clearly conveyed
        • Grigor Akopyan suggests clarifying policies for selecting winners
        • Svetlana Transky mentions adjudicators became less generous to distribute winners awards as the day went on
          • Virginia Whitehead suggests two different winners’ circles (one for the morning programs, and one for the afternoon programs)
          • Lieschen argues that competent judges should be able to adjust accordingly
        • Repertoire:
          • Judges seemed to favor intermediate-level repertoire
          • Very limited repertoire restrictions
        • Svetlana suggests clarifying individual responsibilities of Winterfest team


  • Classical Era Competition
    • Date: February 4th, 2024 (Los Angeles Valley College)
    • Open Chair Position
    • Lieschen suggests employing student assistant(s) for a small fee
      • Grigor argues that too many people involved can lead to unnecessary complications


The meeting adjourned at 12:37pm.

Minutes submitted by Colleen Carney



General  Meeting (Zoom

September 22, 2023 

The meeting was called to order at 10:32 a.m .

Attendees: Dr. Svetlana Transky, Colleen Carney, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Lidia Telunts (and her  daughter Anna), Virginia Whitehead, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Galina Berezovsky, Kateryna Kolesnyk,  Grigor Akopyan, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Lieschen Bierstedt, Remi Lee 

Welcome – Dr. Svetlana Transky, President 

June 9, 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved as presented 

Welcome Galina Berezovsky as new Treasurer 

Financial Report 

As of September 19, 2023: 

  • Branch Checking Account: $8,029.36 
  • CM Checking: $3,976.71 
  • Savings Account: $21,672.92 
  • CD Account: $39,080.94  
  • Galina will deposit checks from: 1) Victoria Roizen ($38)  and 2)Membership Dues Rebate MTAC State ($852) 
  • Hollywood Branch also donated $250 to benefit concert for Carl Matthes

Convention 2023 Report – Lieschen Bierstedt 

  • Lieschen hopes state office will set up treasurers meeting  
  • At the business meeting, it was suggested that votes on approving bylaws will  not be accepted (due to many opposing views at the last convention) 

MTAC – Festivals, Programs 

Fall Festival (update from Grigor Akopyan) 

  • Date: Oct. 15, 2023 @ 12pm 
  • In-person performances only 
  • # of programs TBD (only 4-5 applications have been received so far) 
  • Grigor requests that application deadline (Oct. 3rd) be highlighted in MTAC newsletter 
  • No changes to be made to programming 
  • Grigor confirmed application link is working 
  • Grigor requests we encourage teachers to be present during festival 
  • Performance Time (for early beginner students) 

Grigor suggests maintaining 1-min time limit (1 or 2 pieces as long as they  don’t exceed 1 min total

Svetlana: Can we allow a student to perform a short solo piece (less than  1 min) + short duet?

  • Virginia asserts duets are in a different category (should not be mixed with solo performances)
  • Lieschen believes beginners should be allowed to perform a solo piece and a duet (up to 2 min total)
  • Grigor: student will perform only solo pieces (up to 1 min) 
  • Alan reminds the group that the guidelines have already been published  – suggests this year’s rules remain unchanged  

 Svetlana requests that teachers submit participating students early on to help  with planning process 

CM Report – Dr. Alan Oettinger  

  • If parents are thinking of in-person evaluation, they should check the  (substantial) difference in cost and dates 
  • If a student is taking in-person route, they will perform in-person but will  take theory + sight reading tests on computer 

Winterfest – Aroutioun Mikaelian 

  • Welcome Aroutioun as Chairman of Winterfest 
  • Date: Dec. 10, 2023 
  • Location: Los Angeles Valley College 
  • Performance quality is improving year by year 
  • New venue (LA Valley College) has a stage and good acoustics  
 Motion: Virginia Whitehead moved that pieces by J.S. Bach be allowed at  Winterfest 

Seconded by Lieschen. Motion carried unanimously  

  •  Lieschen to forward list of judges to Svetlana (open to suggestions) 
  • Grigor suggests an application deadline of Nov. 10th (one month before the  event) 
  • Duration of Festival: Lieschen suggests Svetlana come up with an estimate and  adjust as needed closer to the date 
  • $50 for piano to be unlocked 
  • Lighting inquiries to be directed to Cynthia and James  


Bach Festival 

  • This year, multiple branches will use the hall (though they will not compete  against each other) 
  • Date: March 3, 2024 
  • Traditionally, the masterclass occurs 1 or 2 weeks before the Festival (which is  very close to Classical Era Competition) 
  • Board member proposes skipping the masterclass 
  • Svetlana proposes a virtual masterclass closer to Mar. 3rd (to avoid being  dependent on other branches)
  • Lieschen proposes moving the Classical Era competition earlier in the  year 
  • Bach Festival Chair Position is open! 
  •  Virginia Whitehead suggests the younger generation be involved  
  • Svetlana to reach out to other members 


SYMF Carl Matthes Benefit Concert – Recap by Svetlana 

o Beautiful performance. Carl performed “Fanfare for an Uncommon Man” by  MTAC Member Oleta Diamond 

o Lieschen posted concert photos on Hollywood Branch Facebook page  (“Hollywood Branch MTAC”) 


Guest Speaker: Angel Therrien – Steinway & Sons Sales Representative  

Angel majored in Piano Performance at Boston Conservatory and toured for  15+ years before joining Steinway (she was also a member of the MTAC San  Diego branch) 

Steinway Teacher and Educational Partner Program: 

  • Steinway has options for different prices (they offer pre-owned Steinways for a lower cost) 
  • Angel suggests parents invest in a good piano at the start of lessons
  • STEP Program (Steinway wants to support teachers via a mutually beneficial program) 
  • STEP program is free for teachers 
  • Benefits include access to Steinway recital hall, invitations for  students to participate in masterclasses with Steinway artists, and teacher referrals 
  • Reach out to Angel for a showroom demo and to learn more about STEP program (Angel’s contact info can be found in MTAC newsletter) 

 Question: Can MTAC teachers reserve a Steinway hall for their private  studio recitals? 

Answer: Yes, teachers can reach out to Angel directly for more info 


The meeting adjourned at 12:07pm 

Minutes submitted by Colleen Carney



Annual Meeting

Friday, June 9, 2023 at 11am

Outdoors at Lieschen Bierstedt’s home

4745 Cromwell Ave, LA, 90027


The meeting was called to order at 11:20am

Present were:  Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Dr. Svetlana Transky, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Nonna Ayrapetova, Grigor Akopyan, Colleen Carney, Jeesung Kang, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Dr. Cynthia Harlan and Galina Berezovsky.

The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of June 10, 2022, were presented and approved.

The Finance Report, consisting of the Branch account balances, was presented.

Proposed Bylaw Revisions:

The Proposed Bylaw Revisions were submitted to all branch members on May 8, 2023 to allow time for consideration.  Lieschen explained the process of Bylaw revisions which starts with the Bylaw Committee review and recommendations. The revisions are then presented to the board for approval and subsequently presented to the general membership for approval at this Annual Meeting. Thereafter it is sent to the State Office for final approval.

  • Lieschen explained the overall goal of updating the Bylaws which is to reflect current methods of communication. Each revision was mentioned and explained, and questions were answered.
Lieschen asked for a motion and Dr. Alan Oettinger moved to approve the proposed revisions.  Dr. Svetlana Transky seconded, and voting was unanimous in favor.
  • Thanking the Outgoing Board and Introducing the New Board:
  • Lieschen thanked the nominating committee and then the current board members for all their help, input, and warm friendships these past years and stated that she will miss the relationships.  She has plans to move to New York and will thus not be serving on the new board but will help to ensure a smooth transition. She has great confidence in Svetlana who will take over as President and is grateful for all her help and friendship these past two years.
  • Lieschen introduced the new incoming board members and read each one’s bio as part of the introduction.
  • President:  Dr. Svetlana Transky
  • Vice President:  Jeesung Kang
  • Treasurer: Galina Berezovsky
  • Recording Secretary: Susanna Zhamkochyan
  • Corresponding Secretary: Aroutioun Mikaelian
  • Membership Secretary: Grigor Akopyan
  • Directors:
  • Dr. Alan Oettinger
  • Virginia Whitehead
  • Lieschen Bierstedt
  • Svetlana presented Lieschen with a thank you gift from the branch.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm to enjoy a potluck lunch and to allow for time to peruse the Branch History Project.
  • Minutes
  • General Meeting
  • Friday, March 31st at 10:30am via Zoom
  • The meeting was opened for conversation, comments, and questions at 10am.
  •  Present were: Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Svetlana Transky, Virginia Whitehead, Hasmik Kotelyan, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Grigor Akopyan, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Katerina Kolesnik, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Marina Bykhovsky and Jeesung Kang.
  • The meeting was formally called to order at 10:30am. Lieschen welcomed everyone and introduced our first guest, Dr. Andrew Banks.
  • Lieschen stated that the minutes of the February 2023 General Meeting were forwarded to everyone. The minutes were then approved as presented. The current Finance Report was also forwarded for reference.
  •  At 10:35am Dr. Andrew Banks gave an introductory presentation including an overview of ABRSM, exam requirements and marking criteria, and the differences between the ABRSM exams and the CM (Certificate of Merit) evaluations.
  • Dr. Andrew Banks is the Southern California representative of the London-based music exam board ABRSM (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music)
  • Useful links include:
  • Exam syllabi for for face-to-face Practical exams:
  • Piano 2023 & 2024 / Bowed Strings 2020-2023 / Singing from 2018
  • Marking criteria for face-to-face Practical exams
  • On Your Marks – videos of Practical exams
  • Exam syllabi for Music Theory: Grades 1-5 (online) and Grades 6-8 (face-to-face)
  • At 11:10 am Dr. Svetlana Transky and Dominic Pietropaolo followed and gave a presentation –
  • Listen On! is a successful set of Live Online Music Appreciation Lectures created and taught by Dr. Svetlana Transky and Dominic Pietropaolo.  Thoroughly researched surveys of music related subjects are intended for a wide variety of audiences, but are carefully designed to keep the novices engaged, as well as to deepen the musical knowledge of the experienced music aficionados. Svetlana and Dominic presented a reenactment of the Music Appreciation Lecture titled Early Romanticism from 1790’s to Early 1800’s: Essential Inspirations.
  • The lecture journeyed into the importance of early Romantic philosophies, literature, art and even politics, and their role in creating new Romantic sensibilities and new musical content.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 12:10pm
  • Hollywood Branch
  • General Meeting
  • Friday, February 3, 2023
  • At 10:30am via Zoom
  • The meeting was opened for sharing a cup of coffee and conversation at 10:15am
  • The meeting was called to order at 10:30am
  • Present were: Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Virginia Whitehead, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Jeesung Kang, Grigor Akopyan,
  • The minutes of the November 18, 2022, General Meeting were approved as presented
  • A Financial Report was presented.
  • Lieschen gave an update about State Board developments:
  • A virtual “Townhall” series will be introduced.
  • Webinar Series will be offered free of charge quarterly.
  • New Student Scholarship opportunities increasing the number of Music Study Grants
  • Our complete State Directory is available on the State website.
  • New Innovation Scholarship program for improvising and composing – 2023/2024
  • New CM Syllabus will be revised for all instruments and will be available free of charge to teachers and students.
  • 10:45 am – Sharing ideas on how to prepare your students for entry into a music school:
  •  Dr. Svetlana Transky shared a presentation on this subject.  Many excellent ideas were presented, and all agreed that we should continue this discussion at our next general meeting.
  • 11am    Presentation by Global Musical Arts Competition – Dr. Tomo Sato and Gretchen Kirby
  • The Global Musical Arts Competition is a virtual music competition that encourages aspiring music students to set and achieve their goals. Combining competitive and educational elements, GMAC’s mission is to foster performers’ musical growth and share their talents with the world. The competition is open to all ages and all nationalities.
    Monthly competitions provide twelve different themes a year that pose unique artistic challenges. Students and teachers alike can prepare new repertoire with a tangible objective in mind—without leaving the comfort of their home.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am
  •  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • General Meeting
  • Friday, November 18, 2022
  • At 10:30am via Zoom
  • 10:15am             Meeting opened for sharing a cup of coffee and conversation
  • The meeting was called to order at 10:30am
  • The minutes of the September 2022 General Meeting were approved as presented.
  • The Financial Report was presented
  •  Fall Festival recap:
  • Discussion – did you like Steinway Hall? The consensus was that it was an excellent venue.  Parking was not a problem, and the piano was wonderful. We hope to continue to use it.
  •  Winterfest – important updates
  • We are limited by Cammilleri Hall schedule to wrap up by 5pm
  • Need to move some pm students to am – teachers were asked to volunteer switching.
  • Lunch break was discussed – the cafeteria will be open for all to use – short walk.
  • Hall will be closed for lunch – labor restrictions for staff
  •  Members were reminded of our Branch Holiday Luncheon – Friday, December 2, 2022 at 12 noon at Messhall Kitchen, 4500 Los Feliz Blvd, LA 90027. Cost will be $17 per person
  • 11am Presentation by Noreen Wenjen –
  •  “Business Tech Talk: Keeping Music Teachers in Business and Next-Level Music Technology”
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • General Information Meeting
  • Friday, September 23, 2022
  • At 10:30am via Zoom
  • The meeting was called to order at 10:30am.
  • Those present were: Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Virginia Whitehead, Dr. Svetlana Transky, Marina Bykhovsky, Marina Lomtatidze, Grigor Akopyan, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Hasmik Kotelyan, Dr Cynthia Harlan, Vera Miretskaya and Susanna Zhamkochyan
  • The minutes of our June 10, 2022 Annual Meeting was approved as presented.
  • Finance Report –
  • Branch Checking $6,019.04
  • CM Checking $3,976.74
  • Savings $21,666.45
  • CD $38,167.97to
  • CM Update –
  • Lieschen reviewed the State Office communiques.
  • The Teachers’ Training Video & Quiz will be available until October 25th. Not required but recommended. Required previously.
  • Enrollment – 10/1 thru 10/31
  • Media Submissions deadline – 2/28. This is earlier than previous years.
  • Practice Portal for Theory, Sight-Reading and Ear-Training available in November. These practice versions are only available until the student’s testing window opens and only one test per day can be taken.
  • New Syllabus – summer 2024 for the 2025 evaluations. It will be free of charge for downloading from the teacher and student portals.
  • Request reprint of Certificates through 12/31/22. It can include senior medallions and State Honors seals.
  • State communiques will be posted on our branch website under the CM pulldown menu for reference. Alan recommended that teachers check their spam filters to be sure to receive all communiques.
  • Alan explained that CM will be online this coming year, but in accordance with the convention vote, a dual system of virtual and in-person evaluations will be adopted as from 2025.
  • Open discussion/information on venues and fees and events
  • Lieschen reported that venues costs have doubled and tripled and some venues such as the Brand Library and Pierre’s Fine Pianos are no longer available for rent.
  • The board carefully considered the future of rentals and fees for our branch. The consensus was that we would like to offer quality venues that are worthy of our students’ efforts and thus fees will be raised to afford the hall rentals.
  • Student application fees will be adjusted to a flat fee per student; $25 for our Festivals (Fall, Spring and Baroque) and $30 for our Sonata Sonatina and Winterfest Competitions.
  • Cammilleri Hall is reserved for our Winterfest and our Sonata Sonatina Competition. LAVC will be reserved for our Achievement Awards Recital. Steinway Hall will be used for our Fall and Spring Festivals. Opinions were offered about the pros and cons of each space.
  • The Fall Festival performance limitations were discussed.
  • It was agreed that we will maintain a 7 minute time limit to allow enough time for more advanced pieces.
  • Two pieces will be allowed within this time limit for the very beginners that are performing a short piece.
  • The chair will make the final decision to accept two beginning pieces.
  • At 11:15am we took a break to listen to Dr Svetlana Transky and her husband, Nick Pietropaolo, present a sneak preview of their online music appreciation course. This presentation will serve as an introduction of more to come.
  •  Resuming at 11:45am, Lieschen reminded members of several Branch Procedural items –
  • Checks must be made out to MTAC Hollywood – no individual parent checks
  • Consent form from each student needed
  • Printed music book (no photocopies!) required for Winterfest and Sonata Sonatina Competitions. The judges share the books.
  • Advise your students on performance etiquette; bowing before and after their performance.
  • Participating teachers to help at each event
  • Scheduling Chair will submit the Finance Report
  •  New event:
  • Holiday Season Lunch for all members. Friday, December 2, 2022 at The Messhall Kitchen in Los Feliz – bring your partner or friend.
  • Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Minutes
  • Annual Meeting
  • Friday, June 10. 2022 at 11am
  • At
  • 4745 Cromwell Ave, LA 90027
  • The meeting was called to order at 11:15am by Lieschen. 
  • Present were:  Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Grigor Akopyan, Chizuru Sanada, Dr. Svetlana Transky, Nonna Ayrapetova, Galina Berezovsky, Victoria Roizen, Susanna Zhamkochyan, and Carl Matthes.
  • Lieschen welcomed everyone and introduced guests and newer members.
  • CM and Bylaw proposal – Presented by Dr. Alan Oettinger:
  • An information packet regarding these issues, was sent to each branch member. Alan explained the proposed amendment that would govern how CM Evaluations are administered.  This amendment would change the evaluations from online to a hybrid model where students can choose to between a virtual or an in-person evaluation.
  • He referred to the cost estimate by the State Office which anticipates a major CM registration, as well as a membership fee increase to facilitate the hybrid model.
  • The detailed Bylaw revision proposal was also discussed. It was pointed out that many of the revisions were to clarify and define current processes in use.
  • Lieschen asked members to voice their opinions on these proposed changes.  Alan and Lieschen will represent our branch as delegates in voting at our State Convention in July.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 11:45am for a presentation by Carl Matthes on
  • “Bach Dances: Descriptive Two- and Three-Part Inventions”   
  • Using the 5 Dances from Bach’s G minor English Suite, Carl Matthes provided insight on tempo, meter, dynamics, touch, ornamentation, and pedal to capture the rhythmic feel of dancing and dance sound.
  • The presentation was followed by a potluck lunch in the garden at 12:45pm
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Minutes
  • Online General Meeting
  • Wednesday, March 30, 2022
  • Dedicated to those affected by the Russian Ukrainian war
  • 9:30am – Zoom meeting was opened for conversation and sharing
  • 10am – Lieschen called the meeting to order
  • Present were:
  • Lieschen Bierstedt, Remi Lee, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Dr. Sanaz Rezai, Dr. Svetlana Transky, Grigor Akopyan, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Victoria Roizen, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Katerina Kolesnik, Dr. Sunyoung Lee and Chizuru Sanada.
  •  Panel discussion on “What do we Focus on in Teaching Technical Skills?”
  • Introduction and reading of bios of Panel Members: Dr. Svetlana Transky, Dr. Sanaz Rezai, Dr. Cynthia Harlan
  • Each panel member shared their personal approach to teaching technical skills
  • Panel members participated in a conversation about: introducing keyboard and note reading, relaxation and weight transfer for the young beginner, developing a technique based on individual needs of students, the intricacies of a violin technique approach, how to retrain transfer students, creating a sense of trust in each student in adhering to a practice regiment and introducing new concepts.
  • Teacher Presentation/recommendation of student applicants for Scholarship/Awards
  • Cynthia Harlan is filing an application on behalf of her student (and son), Oliver, for the 2022 Hollywood Branch Scholarship Awards.
  • She presented a synopsis of his many years of participation and achievement in branch events
  • As a graduating senior he has been accepted into several colleges as a music major to pursue a career in music
  •  Program/Event Reports:
  • Bach Master Class  –
  • Svetalana Transky reported on the very succesful March 13th Bach Master Class with Dr. Elvin Rodriguez
  • The virtual format is well suited for a master class – larger attendance numbers
  • The presenter is able to view the performance videos ahead of time to enble concise and relevant comments and recommendations
  • Students were engrossed in his presentation
  • Bach/Baroque Festival – by Remi Lee
  • Low student enrollment (9 Bach Festival and 3 Baroque Festival applicants)
  • As a result, the Bach Festival adjudication will now be conducted virtually
  • A virtual combined recital with pre-recorded videos will be offered on April 10th
  • One program at the Spring Festival will be dedicated to Bach/Baroque students for a live performance opportunity
  • Certificate of Merit  
  • Lieschen recommended a Facebook group, Certificate of Merit Piano Teachers of CA
  • A proposed State Bylaw change regarding CM will be presented at the upcoming convention business meeting
  • Our branch delegates will have to vote on an amendment that would allow CM to be offered both live as well as virtually.
  • The issue will be presented to our branch members for feedback
  • Spring Festival 
  • Event is scheduled for May 1st
  • One program will be dedicated to teacher and student compositions
  • The event is scheduled to take place at LAMAS which has limited space
  • We might have strong participation and might need to take enrollment on first come basis
  • Instagram/Facebook update – by Chizuru Sanada
  • Chizuru posted videos of our Grand Prize winners in the SS Competition on our branch Instagram
  • Lieschen has updated our Facebook page with photos of our various events
  • Website App Form
  • Cesar Corona is updating our Website application forms using the Jotform flatform
  • These forms automatically create a summary spreadsheet for chairs to use
  • Feedback on these forms and their format is appreciated
  • The meeting was adjourned at 11:20am
  • Minutes submitted by Lieschen Bierstedt
  • Minutes
  • MTAC Hollywood 
  • Online General Meeting
  • December 3, 2021
  • The meeting was called to order at 9:30am
  • Present were: Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Galina Berezovsky, Grigor Akopyan, 
  • Susanna Zhamkochyan, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Dr. Sunyoung Lee, Marina Lomtatidze, 
  • Chizuru Sanada, Remi Lee, & Gloria Choi
  • The minutes of the October 2021 General Meeting were approved as presented.
  • COVID & Events:
  • Omicron – How safe do we feel about events? 
  • Most teachers agreed on continuing in-person
  • Double masking suggested for those helping events all day long
  • Programs available for PDF (Aroutioun)
  • CM (an open discussion):
  • Repertoire video upload deadline March 8th
  • 100% In-person lessons, fully masked (Riko/Cynthia/Galina)
  • Teaching Theory online (Cynthia)
  • Theory test easier and shorter online?- yes, but not telling the students so (Alan)
  • Availability of recording devices – be educated (Lieschen)
  • Advantage of banking repertoire recording – start early
  • Repertoire upload is open at this time
  • When recording is done, students are able to move on to new repertoire 
  • Missing CM certificate (Susanna) – Same problem, but solved (Riko)
  • CM matters from Sunyoung:
  • Pay attention to emails regarding CM for changes
  • New syllabus on the way
  • Be familiar with CM policy/syllabus/resources
  • Write to e-support for information (answers within 48 hours)
  • Write to CM info for technical problem
  • Practice test (3 each) for theory and sight reading will be available
  • Meeting was adjourned at 10:15am to listen to a presentation by Jiwon Jeon, on: “Daily Life as a Composer ”  – introduced by Remi Lee, VP
  • (Presentation recording available upon request)
  • Minutes submitted by Riko Weimer
  •  General Meeting and Concert
  • Wednesday, September 29, 2021
  • Outdoors at Lieschen’s home with a Zoom connection for other attendees
  • 4745 Cromwell Ave. LA 90027
  • The meeting was called to order at 11am
  • Present were:  Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr Cynthia Harlan, Chizuru Sanada, Lidia Telunts and guest, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Katerina Kolesnik, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Nonna Ayrapetova, Dr. Giorgi Latso and Anna Latso, Remi Lee, Marina Lomtatidze, Galina Berezovsky, and online; Dr. Sanaz Rezai, Grigor Akopyan,
  • Lieschen introduced those in attendance. She also welcomed Dr. Latso as a new Hollywood Branch member.
  • The minutes of the June 2021 Annual Meeting were approved as presented.
  • Treasurer’s Report:
  • Chizuru Sanada presented a summary of the branch account balances.
  • Branch Programs and Procedures – an open discussion
  • Lieschen reminded members that all event checks should be made out to MTAC Hollywood.  No student checks can be accepted. She reminded all to obtain a completed consent form from each student and to keep it on file.  We might be using group images on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
  • Members were reminded that for both the Winterfest and Sonata Sonatina Competitions, they will need to provide printed music for the judges.
  • It is good to advise students on performance etiquette following the absence of live performances for almost two years.
  • CM – teacher training required; a reminder
  • An update was given on new event application forms which are being developed by Cesar Corona.  A social media committee has been established to help develop our Facebook and Instagram.  Social Media Committee: Cesar Corona, Remi Lee, Riko Weimer and Chizuru Sanada
  • The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am  for a concert by Dr. Giorgi and Anna Latso – a Classical Piano Duo.
  • Event Chairs and Co-Chairs Meeting
  • Wednesday, September 29, 2021
  • 10am – The meeting was called to order
  • Present were:  Lieschen Bierstedt, Chizuru Sanada, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Katerina Kolesnik, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Remi Lee, Marina Lomtatidze, Galina Berezovsky, and online; Grigor Akopyan,
  • Welcome – Lieschen Bierstedt
  • Lieschen welcomed the attendees and handed out:
  1. Listing of 2021/2022 Chairs and Committees
  2. Event dates and Venues
  3. Guidelines and Budgets for each Event
  • These documents were explained. A discussion followed regarding the difficulty in finding venues for live events because of continuing COVID restrictions.
  • In-person vs Virtual events were discussed.  We will need to accommodate those students and teachers who are not ready to do live performances, but we need to start offering live events to guide them towards a transition.  Students are nervous to perform live after a long absence.
  • Festivals will follow a hybrid format of offering live plus a Zoom program. The Zoom meeting will feature live performances by the students.
  • Competitions will be fully live to give judges the ability to judge from a consistent base.
  • The Guidelines for Chairs and Committees were discussed, and it was pointed out that each contained a program budget that should be adhered to. The goal this year is to ask each participating teacher to help with running that event. Lieschen referred to our Standing Rules regarding Member Expectations.
  • Fees and Awards –
  • No changes in event fees this year except for a change to the duet participation fee.
  • The Awards for the Sonata Sonatina and Winterfest have been adjusted – two Grand Prizes of $100 each will be presented at each competition for a junior prize (age 12 and under) and a senior prize (age 13 and above).
  • Treasurer – Chizuru Sanada
  • Chizuru reviewed the branch financial policies regarding reimbursement, submitting a financial report for each event within two weeks of the event, forwarding checks received in a timely manner and requesting board approval for expenditure not budgeted. Website links to our Financial Forms and Financial Policies were made available for reference.
  • Adjourn at 11am to start the General Meeting and Concert
  • Minutes submitted by Lieschen Bierstedt
  • Annual Meeting
  • June 11, 2021
  • At the home of Lieschen Bierstedt
  • 10:30am – Call to order
  • Minutes:
  • The minutes of our March 31, 2021 General Meeting, included in the agenda packet, stood approved as presented.
  • Finance Report  – Chizuru Sanada:
  • The Financial Report was presented as included in the agenda packet
  • Recognizing our Hollywood Branch 65th Anniversary – Lieschen Bierstedt:
  • Lieschen reviewed the history of the establishment of our branch in 1956 on Vine Street, Hollywood. Lieschen invited everyone to view the historical material displayed in the upper garden (old meeting minutes, event records, etc.)
  • Introduction of new Board of Directors (2021/2023) – Grigor Akopyan
  • Grigor Akopyan, Nominating Committee Chair, presented the new board of directors and read each one’s bio.
  • Thanking the nominating committee & outgoing board members – Lieschen Bierstedt:
  • Lieschen recognized Grigor Akopyan, Marina Bykhovsky and Galina Berezovsky for their work on the Nominating Committee. She also thanked outgoing board members, Dr. Sanaz Rezai and Hasmik Kotelyan for their work on the Board of Directors.
  • Presenting a service plaque to Hasmik Kotelyan  – Dr. Alan Oettinger:
  • Dr. Alan Oettinger presented a plaque to Hasmik Kotelyan in recognition after serving three terms as President and many years on the board of directors.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 11am and followed by an online presentation.
  • “Jazz Improvisation Basics: Let’s Improvise in the Key of C”  by Yuko Maruyama – introduced by Dr. Sanaz Rezai
  • Simple improvisation exercises (4 measure chord progressions) in C
  • C-F-G-F
  • All white notes for RH (Right Hand)
  • Arranging using lead sheet
  • Reviewing chord signs (sus4 w/o 3rd. 6 is not the first inversion but added 6th, etc.)
  • Stylization
  • Add chord note to the RH to compensate small hands
  • Blues in C
  • Walking Baseline
  • Melodic line in arpeggio
  • Four hand demonstration
  • Book recommendation
  • Hand out
  • Improvisation is highly recommended.
  • It is not difficult to do with those simple exercises.
  • These activities will enrich students’ musicality.
  • The presentation was concluded at 12noon and followed by a Potluck Lunch
  • The History Project Display was on view in Lieschen’s upper garden.
  • Minutes submitted by Riko Weimer (for Cesar Corona)
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch – General Meeting
  • March 31, 2021 – Held on Zoom Video Conference
  • Members Present:
  • Lieschen Bierstedt
  • Cesar Corona
  • Dr. Alan Oettinger
  • Galina Berezovsky
  • Kateryna Kolesnyk
  • Remi Lee
  • Dr. Cynthia Harlan
  • Marina Lomtatidze
  • Dr. Susanna Zhamkochyan
  • Tae Chung
  • Dr. Sanaz Rezai
  • Bom An
  • Yun-Hee Lee
  • Meeting called to order at 10:32am. The minutes from the February 3rd General Meeting were approved as read.
  • Finance Report by Chizuru (Lieschen reporting for Chizuru who was unable to attend)
  • Branch Checking Account: $5,659.56
  • CM Checking Account:       $3,976.74
  • Branch Savings Account:      $21, 656.72
  • CD:                                            $38,140.65
  • Program Reports
  • Bach & Baroque Festival by Remi – With 24 total students participating, Remi and Cesar are considering combining all the students to create more audience, diversity, and interest for the event. Stephen Pierce, Wayne Behlendorf, and Dr. Christopher Brennan were the 3 judges. Cesar will look into creating a Google Form for the Achievement Awards event that auto-creates a spreadsheet for the chairperson to receive all submissions.
  • Spring Festival – Galina Berezovsky
  • Applications are available online.  Deadline is April 2nd.
  • Scholarship and Awards teacher presentations: 
  • No applications were submitted at this time.
  • Roundtable Discussions
  • The possibility of returning to limited live performance recitals was discussed –  the Achievement Awards Recital was a possibility.
  • Private studio venues were our only option, because of COVID limitations on hall rentals. Live-streaming performers without an audience was discussed. A strong internet feed is essential. Private music schools with larger facilities were mentioned.
  • How was the new CM experience? Teachers agreed that the process was very smooth and easy to use.
  • We had more meetings during the first year of the Zoom era but this can be adjusted moving forward. Many of the Zoom meetings served as support and sharing of ideas. The Bylaws require at least 5 general meetings per year including the CM meeting.
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch Facebook
  • Lieschen encouraged us to utilize it and to engage there a bit more.
  • Meeting adjourned at 11:40am
  • Minutes submitted by Cesar Corona
  • Online General Meeting
  • Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 10am
  • Business Meeting (10am to 10:30am) was cancelled due to Zoom technical difficulties.
  • Program followed at 10:30am with Dr. Walter Ponce speaking about his book “The Tyranny of Tradition in Piano Teaching”
  • Online General Meeting
  • Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 10 am
  • Members Present: 
  • Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Sanaz Rezai, Remi Lee, Marina Bykovsky, Kataryna Kolesnyk, Chizuru Sanada.
  • The meeting was called to order at 10am by Lieschen.
  • Minutes –
  • Updates:
  • Programs – Dr. Sanaz Rezai
  • Sanaz reviewed some of the upcoming programs – Dr. Ponce will be discussing his acclaimed book on piano technique at our November 11th General meeting.  There will be enough time for questions and answers.
  • We are also asking our branch members to submit teacher performance videos.  We plan to share these videos either as part of our march and April General Meetings or, depending on the number of submissions, we might create a separate program for presenting the performances similar to our recital format. Sanaz brought up to possibility of performing a series of variations like the Goldberg Variations.  More info will be distributed.
  • Sanaz also spoke about our upcoming Bach Master Class.  There will be a committee of three members who will select 3 Master Class participants. Repertoire requirements – Lower Intermediate to Advanced.  The deadline for submissions is December 15th.
  • CM –
  • Lieschen encouraged members to be aware of State Office emails regarding CM.  Deadlines and information will come directly from the State Office.  A screen share of the emails was offered, and it was stressed to refer to the E-support link  for CM questions.
  • A general discussion regarding the Teacher Quiz and other issues ensued.
  • Winterfest –
  • Lieschen encouraged teachers to start preparing their students videos for the Winterfest
  • Video Production Guidelines –
  • Lieschen thanked the Virtual Communications Committee consisting of Sanaz, Remi, Cesar and Riko for the work they did to prepare a set of guidelines for producing student performance videos. These guidelines will be distributed.
  • VOCE
  • Lieschen encouraged teachers to consider participating in the VOCE program which will take place February 21st.  Teachers of strings or other instruments can submit students for solo or ensemble performances – either competitive or non-competitive.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 to enable members to join the Bastien Sisters Webinar.
  • Minutes submitted by Lieschen Bierstedt
  •  Attached:  Video Recording Guidelines
  • ***********************************************************************************************
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch October 2020
  • Video Recording Guidelines
  • Virtual Communications Committee
  • Riko Weimer, Cesar Corona, Dr. Sanaz Rezai and Remi Lee
  • General
  1. Signed consent form – Make sure that the families understand the level of “publicity”
  2. Filming rehearsal – It takes some getting used to performing in front of the camera. Good to sound check and lighting as well.
  3. Saving the clip – Always play it back and save the video before submitting
  4. Naming the file – Follow the format for the title of the file
  • Diego Rivera/Riko.Weimer (Student name/Teacher name)
  1. Submission – Each event administrator will create the folders for upload and provide an upload link
  2. Dress code – As formal as in-person performance.
  3. Stage setting – Fix for clean backgrounds (books on the piano, wrinkles on the curtain, etc.)
  • Recording
  1. You can record on your smartphone (e.g. iPhone, Samsung, Pixel, etc.) or tablets/laptops
  2. Use the default settings of one of the following.
  • 1080p (1920 x 1080, approximately 130 MB per minute)
  • 720p (1280 x 720, approximately 60 MB per minute)
  • Set up  
  1. Please record in landscape mode by turning your phone or tablet sideways and at eye level.
  2. Arrange it so the device is placed solidly either on a tripod or leaning against a heavy object so that it will not shake or move during the recording.
  3. Being close to the camera is generally better so that we can see and hear you well.
  4. Include the instrument and music stand (especially when memorization is required)
  • Sound
  1. Microphone – Additional external microphone that plugs directly into your USB port on your laptop, would be helpful. One option is the Blue Yeti USB Mic for Recording and Streaming on PC. There are many others on the market. Experiment with the best location of the mic for recording your video.
  2. Environment – Check for background noise or interruption
  • Lighting
  1. Lighting has a huge impact on the quality of the video. Please make sure you have ample lightning when recording. Ideally, the light source should be behind the camera that is recording.
  2. Please make sure that you don’t have strong light coming from behind you.
  • ************************************************************************************************
  • Online General Meeting 
  • “Morning of Sharing”
  • Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 10:30 am 
  • This was an informal information meeting, part of the “Morning of Sharing” series, with Zewhong discussing technical set-ups for virtual music lessons
  •  Minutes
  • Online General Meeting 
  • Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11 am 

  • The meeting was called to order at 11:04am
  • Those Present:  Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Remi Lee, Matthew Young, Marine Geladze, Galina Berezovsky, Dr. Sunyoung Lee, Armine Margaryan, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Tina Chapkinyan, Mina Lee, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Marina Bykhovsky, Grigor Akopyan, Yinji Cui, Oleta Diamond, Chizuru Sanada, Marina Lomtatidze, Tae Im Chung, Riko Weimer, Lydia Telunts, Nonna Ayrapetova
  • The minutes of our May 8, 2020 general meeting was approved as presented.
  • Financial Report:  Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Treasurer
  • The financial report, consisting of a summary of our account balances was presented. There were no questions or further discussion.
  • Financial Report for May 29, 2020 Branch Meeting
Statement Dates February 29, 2020 March 31, 2020 April 30, 2020 May 28, 2020
Primary Checking $5,773.96 $5,759.01 $5,044.06 $5,654.11
CM Checking $7,666.89 $5,557.25 $5,557.25 $7,666.89
Savings $21,648.49 $21,649.41 $21,649.41 $21,650.30
Report Dates February 19, 2020 April 5, 2020 April 5, 2020 May 28, 2020
CD* $38,013.55 $38,064.45 $38,064.45 $38,077.18
Total Balance                $73,102.89 $71,030.12 $70,315.17 $73,048.48
  • *CD Balances reported separately from Checking and Savings Statement Dates
  • CM Report – Dr. Sunyoung Lee, Chair
  • Sunyoung reported on the notice from the State Office requiring the uploading of a PDF file of each of their original music for the evaluator’s use.  The application will not be considered complete until the PDF score is complete.
  • Parents will receive an email on June 4th with a link to start the evaluation.  Sunyoung explained what the parents/student will fill out on the application form – such as application number, composer, repertoire, technique, uploading the video and uploading the PDF score. Sunyoung stressed that students should be advised to use the student’s Application Number which begins with 7xxxxxx, NOT the ID Number.
  • Cynthia questioned if it is acceptable to take a picture with your phone of the music page. Sunyoung discussed some options to create a PDF file.
  • Teachers cannot share the parent’s portal so the application form and submission will be done by the parents/students. It is recommended that the teacher writes down all the information needed for the application form to help the parents. The site it is fairly self-explanatory. 
  • A question was asked about using a photocopy on the music stand in the video – Alan recommended that it be re-recorded with the original score. Students could be disqualified if there is any indication that a photocopy was used.
  • Discussion regarding the angle of the camera – it is important to show the hands (allowing the evaluator to see fingering), show the side of the face and show the pedal use.
  • The CM council is recommending Google Chrome as the most stable form for downloading.  It can take a while to download with the current heavy internet use. Sunyoung recommended that the parents give themselves a few days to process the application.
  • Discussion regarding dress code – the students are required to dress as if they are attending a regular evaluation.
  • Discussion regarding the requirement to delete the PDF scan after the evaluation for copyright reasons. Sunyoung stressed that it should not be done too soon – only after the 14th June when evaluations are completed.
  • Discussion about the length of time student will have to complete the theory exam. No definitive answers yet. Theory will be sent in June due at end of June.
  • Grigor requested a workshop or information meeting for parents. It was decided to explore the idea and the format further.  Riko offered to summarize the recommendations from this meeting to share.
  • First Virtual Recital – Sunday, June 28, 2020
  • Lieschen reported that we are introducing our first Virtual Recital – the result of our Virtual Communications Committee meeting.  A set of guidelines has been included in our June Newsletter and more information will follow.  Applications will be submitted through our Baroque Festival application forms on our website. The recital will be conducted through Zoom as a live event with a small number of participants.
  • With no further comments or questions, the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 pm.
  • Submitted by Lieschen Bierstedt (for Cesar Corona)
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch General Meeting
  • Friday, May 8, 2020
  • Held over “Zoom” video conference software
  • (due to Corona Virus Pandemic Stay-At-Home Order)
  • Present:
  • Lieschen Bierstedt, President, Cesar Corona, Dr. Sunyoung Lee, Galina Berezovsky, Marine Geladze, Marina Bykhovsky, Oleta Diamond, Yinji Lee, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Remi Lee, Matthew Young, Riko Weimer, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Armine Margaryan, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Lidia Telunts
  • Meeting called to order at 11:00am by Lieschen
  • CM Update by Dr. Sunyoung Lee
  • Sunyoung provided an update to all members about how CM will be online this year. She went over details of different aspects of the evaluation components.
  • Some highlights are that:
  • Students have two IDs student number and application id number. Special attention needs to be given to how the video files are named.
  • Teachers could tell their students about keeping a good attitude to encourage them not to cheat.
  • She advised that students might record their evaluation elements as soon as possible and prepare the video for upload, whenever that might be in the near future.
  • She advised them about the angle of the camera allowing for a view of the keyboard and hand position, as well as the pedal.
  • Cynthia had some good questions about how stringent the State will be with regards to the camera angle when using pre-recorded performances that might be uploaded for the repertoire evaluations. Everyone hoped for more info on that soon.
  • Meeting adjourned at 12:05pm
  • (Minutes submitted by Cesar Corona)
  • APRIL  2020
  • Friday, April 24, 2020
  • “Morning of Sharing”
  • An online meeting to have an open discussion on virtual teaching and CM issues.
  • Wednesday, April 1, 2020
  • “Morning of Sharing”
  • An online meeting to have an open discussion on virtual teaching and CM issues.
  • FEBRUARY  2020
  • Minutes
  • February 20, 2020
  • General Meeting at 10am
  • Riko Method School of Piano, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039.
  • 10 am – Welcome
  • Those present: Lieschen Bierstedt, Chizuru Sanada, Sanaz Rezai, Remi Lee, Cynthia Harlan, Cesar Corona, Hasmik Kotelyan, Grigor Akopyan, Riko Weimer
  • 10:05  –  Performance by YAG member, Noah Simon 
  • 10:40am – Questions and Answers with Noah
  • 11am – refreshment break
  • 11:20am – General Meeting is called to order
  • Update on Bach and Baroque Festival – application deadline March 5, 2020
  • Review of Application process. Lieschen highlights the slightly improved application process.
  •  Information on Branch Student Scholarships and Awards applications – deadline April 1, 2020
  • Reminder to look on our website for Branch Scholarships and Awards; applications are due soon. Last year, there were no applications or scholarships awarded. Discussion relates to how the scholarships are awarded. Perhaps they could be awarded to more students.
  • Our branch has sufficient money to enhance student scholarships and awards or to benefit teachers in offering more programs.
  • Programs for meeting:
  • Cynthia proposes that her friend who is a respected harpsichordist, could be brought in to give a Bach workshop for the benefit of teachers next year. We can discuss details such as accommodations and cost at the summer board meeting.
  • Lieschen talked about a Georgian pianist she knows who is currently in LA who could do a recital for us at our last General Meeting in June.
  • Riko also added that she has a friend associated with the Liszt competition who could potentially do a Masterclass for our branch.
  • 11:45am – Adjourn
  • JANUARY 2020
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch General Meeting – January 17, 2020
    Allegretto Music School, Burbank, CA
  • Meeting called to order at 10:11am.
  • Present:
    Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Dr. Sunyoung Lee, Dr. Sanaz Rezai, Chizuru Sanada, Hasmik Kotelyan, Galina Berezovsky, Tina Chapkinyan, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Remi Lee
    Lydia Telunts, Marine Geladzy, Marina Bykhovsky, Marina Lomtatidze, Grigor Akopyan, Cesar Corona, Zewhong Lee.
  • Lieschen reads the minutes from the last October meeting. The minutes stand approved as read.
  • CM Update by Sunyoung:
  • Some teachers still made mistakes in the registration process and asked her to change things even though she literally cannot do so. She talks about the process by which a student can request a different evaluation time in an emergency. Mentions about letting her know right away if anyone has an issue with their assignment on CM day.
  • Hasmik asks who will tune the little students’ violins in the evaluation room. Sunyoung will follow-up with other branches to see how they do this.
  • Cynthia mentions that entering repertoire is a little difficult with getting it to save.
  • Treasurers Report by Cynthia:
    Lieschen says that it would be helpful to see detail in the report such as: cost to hall rentals and how much is paid to judges, etc.
  • WinterFest Report:
    (ZewHong is not able to be present.)
  • Sonata Competition Report by Sanaz and Chizuru:
  • Lieschen reads a reminder from the Branch by-laws regarding registration for Branch events. Teachers should remember that scheduling is only a request. Some teachers are expecting special treatment with regard to scheduling. Program Chairs should cc Lieschen on all schedule request correspondence with teachers.
  • Discussion about the new rule that students should bring their official score for the judges.
  • There’s a reminder about copyright law and how our Branch and teachers need to comply with Federal law on this.
  • Some discussion about the best procedure of making sure the judges have the score for each performer.
  • WinterFest Report:
    (Cynthia mentions that there is no report).
  • Meeting adjourned at 11:06am and followed by a presentation by Dr. Alan Oettinger on “How to Prepare your students for the CM Theory Exam”.
  • OCTOBER 2019
  • Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 10am
    Lieschen Bierstedt’s Studio
  • Meeting is called to order at 10:13am.
  • Present were: Lieschen Bierstedt, Cesar Corona, Riko Weimer, Dr Cynthia Harlan, Remi Lee, Zewhong Lee, Grigor Akopyan, Chizuru Sanada, Dr. Sanaz Rezai and Marina Lomtatidze.
  • Lieschen read the general meeting minutes from June. The minutes stand approved as read.
  • President’s Report:
  • Lieschen presents the MTAC State web site showing the “Resources” tab that has the new materials that teachers can use for their studios.
  • Review of Standing Rules on our Branch website.
  • Treasurer’s Report:
  • Financial Report – Based on 9/30 statement: General checking – $21,788.51, CM Checking – $3,859.85, Savings – $6,645.04, CD – $37,745.59
  • The branch is financially healthy. CD will mature in February.
  • Fee Increases –
  • Fall & Spring Recitals:
    Up to 2 min: $12 to $14
    Up to 5 min: $16 to $18
    Up to 7 min: $20 to $22
  • Winterfest and Achievement:
    Up to 2 min: $15 to $18
    Up to 5 min: $22 to $24
    Up to 7 min: $35 remain the same
  • At our next meeting we will determine if we need a different fee structure for violin students.
  • Program Chairs – We have online financial report forms for the program chairs to download. Program chairs should only use the new forms that are there now. Review of the new “Branch Expense Voucher” form that chairs are to manually print out and personally hand to Cynthia. Receipts are required for all expenses (even for under $100).
  • The Cammilleri Hall at USC, will be the venue for the Winterfest at a rate better or comparable to Los Angeles Valley College. There is some discussion about parking at this venue.
  • Zewhong says that the Bach Festival will be held at Pierre Fine Pianos on Pico Blvd. The Regional Bach Festival will use the same venue, thus giving our students an opportunity to try out the piano in advance. Due to new SCJBF rules, more students will be selected as winners than last year. The fee of $35 is set by the branch to cover the costs. There is some talk about whether the fee is too high to encourage more participation in the Bach Festival at a competitive and non-competitive levels. Zew-Hong thinks a “Baroque Recital” might be a nice addition to our Branch calendar.
  • Membership Report:
  • Presented by Lieschen since Susanna was not able to be present. Jee-Sung Kang has reinstated as a Hollywood Branch member.
  • Program Chairs:
  • CM – presented by Zewhong, since Sunyoung was not able to be present.
  • Fall Recital – Chair, Grigor Akopyan, mentions that there are approximately 50 fewer students than last year. He asks teachers to please be neater and professional in filling out their applications. There is some question about how to get receipts for certain things that are cheaper without receipts, such as flowers.
  • Winterfest – (talked about before)
  • Sonata Sonatina Competition – Co-Chair Sanaz Rezai, reports that two judges have been found for the competition – one from San Diego and one who teaches at USC and UCLA. Lieschen asks about the financial records for the trophies that we use. Zewhong talks about the costs of trophies and mentions that our stock of trophies is now depleted. She mentions that we use larger trophies for the Achievement Awards, which are more expensive.
  • Spring Recital – (no report Chair – not present)
  • Achievement Awards Recital – (no report – Chair not present)
  • Website Update: Lieschen says the web site is updated. Consent Form – Lieschen shows on our web site how teachers can download the Consent Form to enable the branch to post pictures on the private pages on our website. If a parent objects to consenting, we will not post photos of these students.
  • General Meeting Programs:
  • Next general meeting, Alan Oettinger will present a lecture on CM theory exam preparation.
  • Convention:
  • Lieschen talks about having a private cocktail hour just for our Branch at the next convention. She would like to encourage all to attend and enjoy the excellent quality of the convention.
  • History Committee and Anniversary of Branch: Lieschen talks about the historical books, pictures and documents we have. She invited anyone interested in serving on the History Committee to contact her. It will involve digitizing and archiving elements of our history.
  • Upcoming is the 65-year anniversary of the Hollywood Branch. Lieschen mentions briefly about having a commemorative event for our Branch that could feature a sort of performance. We will talk more about that later.
  • The meeting adjourned at 11:55am.
  • Minutes submitted by Cesar Corona
  • JUNE 2019
  • June 6, 2019 at 10am – General Meeting
    at Lieschen Bierstedt’s Studio
  • The general meeting was called to order by President Hasmik Kotelyan at 10:00 am.
  • Members Present: Hasmik Kotelyan, Lieschen Bierstedt, Virginia Whitehead, Grigor Akopyan,
    Mina Lee, Tina Chapkinyan, Cesar Corona, Riko Weimer, Remi Lee, Alan Oettinger, Chizuru Sanada, Sanaz Rezai, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Nonna Ayrapetova, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Oleta Diamond, Marina Lomtatidze.
  • Cesar read the April 1, 2019 General Meeting minutes. A correction was made for the Bach Festival by Virginia, rewording the statement; Mark Mendez, from the Hacienda Heights branch, was willing to bring his students to join our branch to read: discussed the possibility of having his students join in participating with Hollywood branch Bach Festival.
    Next correction was regarding the discussion about the CM Honors recital. Students qualifying for Honors received a medal not a trophy.
  • Minutes were approved as corrected.
  • Financial Report:
  • Zewhong was absent. Hasmik asked Zewhong to email the board the Annual Financial Report by June July 15, 2019.
    The Finance Committee will go over the annual report.
  • Program Reports:
    Hasmik had copies of the Sonatina Sonata Competition and Spring Festival financial reports.
  • As the AA recital chair, Hasmik mentioned that 92 students were participating. She will prepare the financial report.
  • Hasmik suggested some changes for AA recital regarding to AM/PM time request. Many students play 2 pieces and are requesting AM time, which makes it impossible to comply with all the requests.
  • Recital and Competition performance guidelines:
  • Hollywood Branch requirements for all recitals and competitions are:
    All the pieces must be memorized, original compositions only, no arrangements.
  • Hasmik suggested to add these requirements to the website recital information page as a reminder especially for new members, in selecting their repertoire. Some arrangements are allowed but should be verified.
    Lieschen will add the recital requirements and dress code on the website.
    Lieschen also will work towards online applications for the recitals to be able to fill and send to the chair.
    The online payment for the recitals will be the next step to do.
  • July 31 is the last day for Hasmik being a president.
    This was her 3rd time to be Hollywood Branch president and she thanked the board and all the members for being supportive and helping her during the last 2 years of presidency.
    Hasmik introduced the new President Lieschen Bierstedt.
    Lieschen welcomed all the new board members. For many of them this is the first time to be on board.
    New members introduced themselves and said that they are looking forward to be on the board for the next 2 years.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 10:45am.
  • After the meeting Lieschen introduced Carl Matthes, lecturer and performer.
    Carl Mattes did lecture/demonstration “21st century Bach.”
  • Minutes taken by Tina Chapkinyan
  • APRIL 2019
  • April 1, 2019 General Meeting
  • Allegretto Music Studio
  • The general meeting was called to order by President Hasmik Kotelyan at 10:35 am.
  • Members present: Hasmik Kotelyan, Lieschen Bierstedt, Tina Chapkinyan, Lidia Telunts, Alan Oettinger, Virginia Whitehead, Cynthia Harlan, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Marina Lomtatidze, Grigor Akopyan, Marina Bykhovsky, Oleta Diamond, Mina Lee, Cesar Corona, Sunyoung Lee, Chizuru Sanada, Riko Weimer, Shane Chesnut, Vera Miretskaya, Aroutioun Mikaelian.
  • Lieschen read October 15, 2018 general meeting minutes
  • The minutes were seconded by Oleta and were approved.
  • Membership Report:
  • Membership secretary Susanna Zhamkochyan said there is one new member, Chad Brady, a voice teacher.
  • Certificate of Merit:
  • CM chair Sunyoung Lee said the financial report is not ready yet. 
  • She mentioned that the CM test was very well organized and smoothly run. She thanked all the participating teachers for their hard work.
  • Sunyoung said that all the teachers were very appreciative of the food presentation.
  • 120 students qualified for state honors, which is 43% (almost the same result as last year).
  • 15 students got RAL
  • 17 students did not show
  • 4 senior medallions were earned
  • 14 students for Convention
  • 15 students won a theory trophy
  • This year the CM program received a refund of $3288 from the state, and expenses were $4200.
  • UCLA did not raise the rental, it remained the same as last year’s rent amount. The branch rented 10 rooms (9 for piano, 1 for violin).
  • The CM account was credited with $483 from the Fall Recital profit as decided upon by the board previously. 
  • There were just a few complaints: some evaluators complained about the loud conversations in hallways and some students complained about teachers being too loud in the theory room.  Sunyoung said she has to find a solution to this problem for the next year.
  • Sunyoung mentioned that some room monitors would leave their assigned room to go and check on their students’ performances, which is not allowed.
  • Marina Bykhovsky, who was working at the front desk on CM day mentioned that Sunyoung did a great job by simplifying and organizing the student check-in process. Thank you Sunyoung!
  • Grigor said that a lot of students and parents are not happy with the branch Honor’s Recital cancelation. Even though the state is giving an Honor’s sticker, the students that qualified for Honors want to receive a trophy like it was before.
  • Hasmik reminded everyone of the reasons for canceling the Honor’s recital: Too much work for CM chair, State Honors replacing the Branch Honors and finally a lot of other recitals to participate in. 
  • Riko offered her school recital hall for free for the Honors recital. She said its capacity is for 80 people. 
  • Alan also mentioned that there are financial issues and that the Bach festival might conflict with the Branch Honors recital.
  • The pros and cons for the Branch Honors Recital will be discussed at the next board meeting and a decision will be made. 
  • Bach Festival
  • Virginia was not happy with the Bach Festival date; she said she liked it later in April. It was pointed out that Spring break and the Easter weekend complicated student participation during April. 
  • Bach Festival had very little participation. 
  • Virginia mentioned that other branches are merging for the Bach Festival and sharing expenses, which is a possible solution.  Mark Mendez who is from a different branch, was willing to bring his students to join our branch. 
  • The Bach Masterclass is on April 7, Sunday.
  • Because the Bach Festival is not making a profit, Virginia suggested to charge a fee for masterclass participating students. The issue will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
  • Spring Festival
  • Galina Berezovsky is going to be the Spring Festival chair. 
  • Grigor reminded everyone that the Charter school has requested to tune the piano as part of the rental agreement. He agreed to find a piano tuner and to take care of the tuning. 
  • Website Presentation
  • Lieschen presented the Hollywood Branch webpage with new additions such as all recital applications, meeting minutes and a calendar with all the important dates. She asked the teachers to share photos of any recital to upload on website. 
  • Lieschen asked to change the last meeting location from Hasmik’s studio to her place, because of the Bach Lecture. Hasmik suggested to have a potluck after the lecture/meeting on June 6, Thursday. 
  • Meeting adjourned 12:05pm.
  • Minutes taken by Tina Chapkinyan
  • OCTOBER 2018
  • MTAC General Meeting
    October 15, 2018 at 10am
    Allegretto Music Studio
  • The general meeting was called to order by President Hasmik Kotelyan at 10:00 am. Members present were: Hasmik Kotelyan, Lieschen Bierstedt, Tina Chapkinyan, Lidia Telunts, Alan Oettinger, Virginia Whitehead, Cynthia Harlan, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Galina Berezovsky, Marina Lomtatidze.
    Alan read the June 12, 2018 general meeting minutes. Correction was made about Bach Master class teacher fee. Not $300 but $200 from Branch, $200 from Bach Festival. The minutes were approved as corrected.
  • Financial Report
    Zewhong was absent.
    President needs access to branch Finances in order to have the financial report.
  • New Membership Secretary
    The membership secretary position is open and the board will appoint and approve a member on the next meeting.
  • CM Registration
    The CM registration is open. New members can ask for help from CM chair Sunyoung.
    Alan mentioned the 2018 theory practice tests are available online for $26. Alan also mentioned that the Syllabus is very helpful resource for any questions and the new members can find the answers to their questions in syllabus.
  • Fall recital:
    Fall recital chair Grigor was absent. He sent the financial report.
    12 teachers participated
    105 students
    $1338 total income
    $100 rent
    $40 flowers
    $6,96 print 300 copies
    $1191 profit
  • Branch Website:
    Lieschen reminded the password for the website is Hollywood. She encouraged teachers to share their studio recital photos on the webpage.
    The new members can find helpful information from the website. All the recital forms, calendar with all the events and more are on branch webpage.
    Also branch awards, guidelines and application to apply are on webpage.
  • June 6th general meeting:
    To encourage more teachers to join Bach Festival and be motivated to come to the general meeting the last general meeting will have a speaker/performer.
    More details will be discussed on board meeting.
  • Meeting was adjourned 11:30 am
    Minutes taken by Tina Chapkinyan
  • JUNE 2018
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch General Meeting minutes.
    06-12-2018 at the home of Lieschen Bierstedt
  • The meeting was called to order by president Hasmik Kotelyan at 10:00 am.
  • Present teachers: Susanna Zhamkochyan, Mina Lee, Tina Chapkinyan, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Virginia Whitehead, Marina Bykhovsky, Marina Lomtatidze, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr, Sunyoung Lee. and Tae Im Chung.
  • Lieschen read the minutes for the last general meeting April 2, 2018. The minutes were corrected to clarify that members will be given one year’s notice before the CM Syllabus is revised. The minutes were approved as corrected.
  • Financial Report:
    Zew Hong Lee was absent, and the financial report was not available.
  • AA Recital Report:
    Chair, Hasmik Kotelyan reported that the recital did bring in a profit. A financial report was not yet available.
    Hasmik talked about the AA recital trophies getting expensive and suggested to find another place to buy.
    She also raised a question what to do with left over trophies.
    Cynthia suggested to use them for CM theory winners or some other recitals.
    Other options discussed were to sell them to individual teachers if they want for their own studio recitals.
    Hasmik suggested to store the left-over trophies at her studio.
  • Membership Report:
    Membership Secretary, Jeesung Kang was not present. Hasmik reported that the Hollywood Branch will have 2 new members and 1 returning member for 2018-19 year.
    Hasmik also discussed the option to request a cap on our membership numbers through the State Office. Lieschen said it is very unusual to block the membership. Sunyoung said it is always nice to have new members.
  • CM Report:
    CM Chair Dr. Sunyoung Lee presented the financial report for the 2018 evaluations. The total expenses added up to $4,993.30. The State receives all registration fees and provide each branch with a rebate after the conclusion of the evaluations. The State rebate for 2018 will be $3,912, thus leaving our CM account with a shortfall of $1,081.30.
    Total Amount Due to Branch from State Office          $3912.00
    Total Expense                                                             $ 4993.30
    Total Income                                                               -$1081.30
    Sunyoung talked about our future use of UCLA. In addition to our shortfall this year, we will also have to budget for higher rental fees for next year. Sunyoung suggested to raise the CM fee to cover future costs. Members agreed that our branch was very fortunate to be able to use UCLA and that we should continue to do so if possible.
    Sunyoung further discussed the rooms that will be available for our use.
    More practice rooms will be available to us as from next year. It was discussed that we will have to make do with the lesser quality pianos in these rooms. Sunyoung has had requests to split the day to allow people our members to work at different jobs morning vs afternoon. She will consider this option.
    Sunyoung mentioned that Yun-Hee Lee, who took care of food and catering for participating members and adjudicators, will be leaving our branch. She will ask Marina Lomtatidze to replace Yun-Hee.
    Sunyoung said Branch Honors recital performance time limit should be 5 minutes.
  • Bach Festival Report:
    Chair, Virginia Whitehead talked about the masterclass that took place right before the Bach Regional Festival. The master teacher was Craig Richie. 11 students participated, and Virginia said it was very helpful to get positive remarks and suggestions from a master teacher.
    We had 6 winners out of 12 participating students in Bach Regional Festival.
    The cost of the Masterclass was $300 with the SCJBF contributing some of the costs.
    Lieschen said masterclasses should be for the benefit of the whole branch. This masterclass served a select few students and their teachers only. Our budget should not be used up the benefit of a select few. It was pointed out that no other branch members were invited.
    Hasmik mentioned that as a president, she was notified about the masterclass by Steinway where the masterclass took place. She said there was not enough communication and she did not include the masterclass information in the newspaper. Virginia agreed that we should have better communication in the future.
    Virginia was concerned about having fewer students for Bach Festival this year. She said it was better to have it after CM test evaluations to have the benefit of the evaluator comments, but Cynthia said as a teacher and as a mother of two participants, she prefers the Bach Festival before CM otherwise it is almost at the same time with as Spring Break.
  • Introduction of new Website with visual presentation:
    Lieschen presented the future Hollywood Branch Website. She did an excellent job to organize and represent our Branch history and all the information for the recitals and forms. Our website domain name will be:
    The website should be up and running soon.
    The website will contain a private section for teachers only which will be password protected. This section will contain all the application forms for the recitals, competitions and the scholarships. Teachers will be able to print these directly from the website. Teachers will be notified of the password.
    The newsletters will continue to be sent out the members by email.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am
    Minutes were taken by Tina Chapkinyan
  • APRIL 2018
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch
    April 2, 2018 General Meeting at Allegretto Music Studio
  • The meeting commenced at 11:40 am
  • Teachers present:
    Tina Chapkinyan, Hasmik Kotelyan, Catherine Womack, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Marina Lomtatidze, Galina Berezovsky, Marina Bykhovsky, Armine Margaryan, Zewhong Lee, Chizuru Sanada, Dr. Sunyoung Lee, Lieschen Bierstedt, Dr. Cynthia Harlan, Yong Tak, Remi Lee, Aroutioun Mikaelian, Yinji Cui, Yun Hee Lee, Oleta Diamond, Mei-Ter Wu.
  • 1. Minutes from November 7, 2017 general meeting were read and approved.
  • 2. Bylaw changes: Section 9. Board of Director’s Meetings to change from five (5) to
    four (4) times from September through June.
    Section 3. General Meetings to change from five (5) to three (3) times from September through June.
    Vote to approve the change.
    Alan motioned to approve the amendments and Lieschen seconded.
    Members voted and the change passed unanimously.
  • 3. CM chair  Report – Dr Sunyoung Lee:
    Financial Report will be ready for the next meeting.
  • CM evaluations went smoothly. Branch had 344 registered students. 259 students passed the next level, 39 students did not show, 24 students got RLA.
  • Sunyoung mentioned that the teachers should mark the measure numbers and put clips on the right page in order to help the evaluator and the room monitor to do their job efficiently.
  • She said that this year there were no irregularities found in the theory room.
    UCLA will increase the renting fee next year maybe 50%.
    High school students can help during the CM day.
  • Tina asked Sunyoung if possible, to have different jobs for the second half of the CM day.
    Hasmik also mentioned that her job in the theory room requires too much bending over the table and maybe sharing it
    with other teacher is a good idea.
  • Sunyoung said she will consider the requests.
  • Piano syllabus will be revised and will be ready next year.
  • 4. Treasurer’s Report – Zewhong Lee:
  • March, 31; Feb,28;  Jan,31
  • Business checking $18,660.58 $17,641.91 $16,783.91
    CM checking $5,323.05 $6,511.38 $8,971.54
    Business saving $6,643.01 $6,642.90 $6,642.80
    CD $37,366.77 $37,365.90 $37,364.95
  • 5. Sonata-Sonatina financial report by chair Hasmik Kotelyan.
  • Income: $2,020
  • Expenses
  • Judge’s fee $600
    Rental $445
    Printing $103
    Food $42.69
    Trophies $336
  • Total expenses $1,527
  • Profit $493
  • 6. Scholarship and Awards Applicants:
  • Zew Hong Lee applied for Olga Balogh Memorial Award for her student Iris Kim.
  • Sunyoung Lee applied for Olga Balogh Memorial Award for her student Robin Kang
  • Oleta Diamond applied for Olga Balogh Memorial Award for her student Johann Li.
  • Aroutioun Mikaelin applied for Eugenia Munoz Clemmons Award for his student Henry Moughalian.
  • All the teachers read their applications for the scholarship award.
  • Meeting was adjourned 12:50pm
  • The minutes were taken by Tina Chapkinyan.
  • NOVEMBER 2017
  • MTAC Hollywood Branch
    General Meeting November 7, 2017
    Allegretto Music Studio
  • Teachers present:
    Tina Chapkinyan, Dr. Alan Oettinger, Lieschen Bierstedt, Virginia Whitehead, Dr, Cynthia Harlan, Zew Hong Lee, Galina Berezovsky, Tae Im Chung, Cezar Corona, Shane Chesnut, Susanna Zhamkochyan, Matthew Young, Riko Weimer, Marina Lomtatidze.
  • Meeting Agenda
  • *New members introduction
    *Organizational standing rules and Guidelines
    *Recitals and repertoire requirements
    *Recital forms and checks
    *Dress code for students
    *Question and answer
  • President Hasmik Kotelyan opened the meeting at 11:40am.
    She introduced and welcomed new members to the Hollywood Branch.
    New members introduced themselves.
  • Hasmik Kotelyan talked about all the recitals the branch is organizing through the academic year and answered the questions about the fees and requirements for each recital separately.
  • Hasmik suggested to have a mentor/ help for mew members from branch teachers in order to help them with recital requirements.
  • Virginia answered some questions about Bach festival. She mentioned that this year there is no teacher fee for Bach Festival. Students can play any Baroque piece as a non-competitive entry.
  • Zew Hong reminded everyone that the requirements for the Branch Honors recital and Convention recital are the same: Good or excellent for performance and technique and theory test 80% or up.
  • The meeting was adjourned 1pm.
  • Sincerely,
  • Tina Chapkinyan