Chair: Grigor Akopyan arax13@sbcglobal.net

Date: Sunday, October 15, 2023

12 noon to 5:30pm only. 

Applications Deadline:  October 1, 2023

Steinway Hall, Beverly Hills

8801 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, Ca 90211

Street parking will be available

Public parking lots at:

8900 Wilshire Blvd Public Parking (at 121S North Swall Dr. Beverly Hills, Ca 90211

9025 Wilshire Blvd Garage or 9100 Wilshire Blvd Parking



No teacher’s fee

Solo Student’s fee: $25 flat fee per student

Duet fees – Same fee as a single solo performance plus $1 additional per student

Mail check, made out to MTAC Hollywood Branch and postmarked by the deadline (no individual  parents’ checks are accepted) to:

Grigor Akopyan, 7554 Lemp Ave, North Hollywood, Ca 91605



  • The Fall Festival is open to any age or difficulty level and repertoire may be chosen from any historical period.
  • Repertoire must consist of an original composition – simplified versions are discouraged. Refer to the Certificate of Merit Syllabus for acceptable arrangements. Repeats, other than first and second endings, are discouraged.
  • Performances have a 7 minute time limit
  • Young beginners may perform two short pieces (not an option for intermediate or advance students). 
  • Students are expected to perform from memory (with the exception of ensembles) and it is customary for students to bow before and after their performance.
  • Please note that the Hollywood Branch may use images of the participants and audience on our branch website.
  • Teachers are expected to be present and assist in running the event.



A dress or elegant pants outfit for females and  long dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes (no sports shoes) for males.



  1. Complete the Student Application below.
  2. Mail one check by the application deadline to the event chair.
  3. A completed and signed consent form is required for each student. Note that the Hollywood Branch may use images of the participants on our Branch Facebook page as well as our Branch Website. All participants must have a Consent Form on file. Participation, plus the consent form, signify acceptance of these postings.




Please contact branch website coordinator, Lieschen Bierstedt (lieschen@bierstedt.com).