General Meeting Agendas

MTAC Hollywood Branch
General Meeting Agenda

April 1, 2019 at 10:30am
Allegretto Music Studio

1345 N. Kingsley Drive, LA 90027

Call to Order 10:30am

Approval of Minutes of October 15, 2018 Meeting

Finance Report – Treasurer, Zewhong Lee

Membership Report – Susanna Zhamkochyan

Certificate of Merit Report – Chair, Dr Sunyoung Lee
CM results

Program Reports:

Bach Festival – Chairs, Virginia Whitehead/Zewhong Lee

Teachers suggest/ask to lower the fees, May be for some noncompetitive or time/duration bases.

Spring Festival – Chairs, Galina Berezovsky/Marina Lomtatidze

Scholarship and Awards – presentation of applicants

Website presentation

Adjourn at 12:30pm